Name: Abhinav George Basil
OWA: hcyab2
This implementation of Frogger has been tested on 2 Windows devices on IntelliJ IDEA
To run the game open up the project on IntelliJ IDEA
Download the JavaFX library and place it on a folder
Add the JavaFX library to Global Libraries (File -> Project Structure -> Global Libraries)
Click the '+' button, select Java and direct to the lib folder of the JavFX library
Add to FroggerTrial module and click apply
Add the VM Arguments to Main by editing configurations: "--module-path (JavaFX Library Path) --add-modules=ALL-MODULE-PATH"
Alternatively, import the project as a maven project and select javafx:run on the maven tab on the right side of in IntelliJ
Configured the file for Github to regularly push updated code to the respective repository for easier maintenance
- Used .gitignore file to avoid clutter in the repository
- On request, users can be added as a collaborator to view the repository
Added JavaDocs for easier understanding and used Github pages to host the Javadocs online for easy viewing
- Frogger Javadocs link:
The classes have been repackaged to make it easier to understand
Broke up classes into separate classes to give each class unique functionality and follow the single responsibility principle
- Created the Game class which focuses on initializing the game itself from the Main class
- Created the AddObjects class which focuses on adding objects to the game from the Main class
- Created the FrogController class which focuses on the controls involved in moving the frog and placed it in the controller package
Renamed classes for easier understanding
- Changed the Animal class to Frog
- Changed the Obstacle class to Vehicles
Added new classes to provide new functionality
- The Highscore class helps with the functionality of the newly added high score menu
- The Mute class helps add the option to mute the game with the click of a button
- The Pause class helps pause the game by adding a pause button to the game itself
- The stop class helps stop the game by adding a stop button to the game itself
- The RoundScore class helps gather the scores for each round to be shown in the round score menu
- The Skeleton, Dragon and Minotaur class to add new characters to the game
- The PowerUp class to add a power up orb to the game
- The RoundScore class was made to help with the functionality of the newly created round score pop-up menu
- The lives class shows the number of lives left for the frog in the game itself
- The ActorFactory class is used to configure the factory design pattern for the AddObjects class
Converted many blocks of code into their own methods to improve readability
Improved encapsulation of data by making the majority of the data-types private while using required getters and setters to protect data
Added a new background and adjusted it to make the game look nicer
Created a fully functioning start menu, info menu, high score menu and high score (round score) pop-up using FXML, CSS and Scenebuilder
The factory design pattern has been utilized to add actors to the AddObjects class to enhance maintainability by introducing the ActorFactory class
The code has been organized to adhere to the MVC Pattern making the project cleaner and easier to understand
Added a permanent high score list which stores data to Highscore.csv to be used in the High score menu created with FXML and Scenebuilder
10 levels with different characters, speed and arrangements have been created to make the game more interesting
The music has been changed to add a little more funk
Utilized JUnit 5 to test the functionality of different areas of the program
Utilized Maven to handle dependencies
Used IntelliJ to create a class diagram
All resources used in this project are free to use for non-commercial applications
Main Menu:
- Level 10 of the Game:
- Class Diagram:
- Github: