Software Engineering Group Project

Primary LanguageJava


Software Engineering Group Project for Group 9B 2021


medPal: a native Android App to keep track of healthcare data of patient; Primarily written in Java

This file contains all code used to implement the MOBILE APPLICATION PLATFORM in our project.

  • All .java codes that defines operation of each Activity(Scene layout) can be found in the repository under: SEGP-9B/app/src/main/java/medPal/App/xxx.java

  • All .xml code that defines layout of each Activity can be found in the repository under: SEGP-9B/app/src/main/res/layout/xxx.xml

  • AndroidManifest.xml that defines the flow of application can be found in: SEGP-9B/app/src/AndroidManifest.xml

Block Diagram

Block Diagram

This is one of the three repositories of the medPal project.

Link to other repositories:

Running App on Android Phone

Download link: http://www.hpyzl1.jupiter.nottingham.edu.my/deploy_apk/downloadApk.html

If you are using Android Phone, you can download the APK file and install the App using the link above. However, the app is not officially deployed to Google Play so it will prompt out warning message during installation. If you not willing to giving us your information, you can try on our app using the account below:

Email: patient.testingacc@gmail.com

Password: Segp12345…

Guideline on running the app with Android Studio

  1. Download all the code from this repositiory
  2. Extract the zip file
  3. Download Android Studio
  4. Import/Open this project in Android Studio
  5. Run the project in Android Studio
  6. The emulator will start and the app will be installed and use in the emulator