
  • Git
  • Vagrant
  • Virtualbox

Getting Started

clone this repository and

vagrant up

Setup SSH

Create a new key pair

ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_dokku -N ""

Register the key with sshcommand

cat ~/.ssh/ | vagrant ssh -c "sudo sshcommand acl-add dokku progrium"

Create an ssh config file

vi ~/.ssh/config

Add the following content :

Host dokku_local
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_dokku
PreferredAuthentications publickey
RequestTTY yes
User dokku

At this point you should be able to exec dokku commands over ssh, e.g. :

ssh dokku_local help

This should print the available Dokku commands


Clone a git repo and cd into the dir :

git clone
cd node-js-getting-started

Add a git remote to Dokku using the ssh alias :

git remote add progrium dokku_local:node-js-getting-started

Create the application definition

ssh dokku_local create node-js-getting-started

Set environment variables

ssh dokku_local config:set node-js-getting-started FOO=BAR


git push progrium master