
File upload with encryptation and signature validation with NodeJS and URSA

Primary LanguageJavaScript


File upload with encryptation and signature validation with NodeJS and URSA

Validate a form based file upload that receives a encrypted file and a signature. The code decrypt the content and validate with user signature passed as form attribute.

1 - Generate private and public keys

  • GENERATE PRIVATE KEY: openssl genrsa -aes128 -passout pass: -out privateKey.pem 4096

  • GENERATE PUBLIC KEY: openssl rsa -in privateKey.pem -passin pass: -pubout -out publicKey.pem

  • Generate server private key (bobPrivateKey.pem)
  • Generate server public key (bobPublicKey.pem)
  • Generate client private key (alicePrivateKey.pem)
  • Generate client public key (alicePublicKey.pem)

2 - Prepare Server files:

  • Create a folder ./keys
  • Copy SERVER private key to ./keys folder
  • Copy CLIENT public key to ./keys folder

2 - Preparing Client files:

  • Select a file that will be sent to the server (sendFile.txt)
  • Encrypt file with user public server key openssl rsautl -in sendFile.txt -out encryptedFile.enc -pubin -inkey bobPublicKey.pem -encrypt
  • Sign with private user key openssl dgst -sha256 -sign alicePrivateKey.pem -out sign.sha256 encryptedFile.enc
  • Extract signature from 'sign.sha256' openssl base64 -in sign.sha256 -out signature.txt

3 - Reproducing:

  • Install a SERVER private key in a ./keys
  • Run the FileUploadCryptValidation.js on a machine with nodejs. nodejs FileUploadCryptValidation.js
  • On the browser of your choice, access http://<machine_ip_address>:3000/form.html
  • On the form, select the Encrypted file from step 2.1 and use the generated sha256 signature from step 2.4. Submit the form!

4 - You will be able to see the results described on the page. Note that if you send an invalid signature for the file, the file will be removed from server.