- Extract person from image
- Extract background from image
- Extract person with transparent background
modified codes from https://github.com/warmspringwinds/tf-image-segmentation
├── data # your testing data dir
| └── # your image data goes here
├── fcn_16s_checkpoint # place pretrained fcn16 model here :
| └── model_fcn16s_final.ckpt.data... # download
| └── model_fcn16s_final.ckpt.index # https://www.dropbox.com/s/tmhblqcwqvt2zjo/fcn_16s.tar.gz?dl=0 and
| └── model_fcn16s_final.ckpt.meta # unzip it here
├── models
| └── slim
| └── ...
| └── ...
├── test.py # python script for testing trained model
├── fcn8_train.py
├── tf_image_segmentation
| └── generated # generated image files
| └── saver # save folder
| └── model_fcn8s_final.ckpt.data... # download
| └── model_fcn8s_final.ckpt.index # https://www.dropbox.com/s/7r6lnilgt78ljia/fcn_8s.tar.gz?dl=0
| └── model_fcn8s_final.ckpt.meta # unzip it here
| |
| └── log_folder_fcn8 # log folder
| └── background_extracted # generated background images without person
| └── person_extracted # generated person images without background
└── README.md
- tensorflow r.0.12 or later version
- $pip3 install scikit-image Pillow matplotlib, numpy, tensorflow
you just have to put your working directory as an argument, stated in the usage below
$ conda create -n YOUR_ENV_NAME
$ source activate YOUR_ENV_NAME
# To Test segmentation of your image data, place the test data in "~/FCN_demo/data/" directory
$ python3 test.py --dir YOUR_DIRECTORY_TO_FCN_DEMO
ex) $ python3 test.py --dir /home/nowgeun1/Desktop/FCN_demo
# You can find the prediction of your image data in "~/FCN_demo/tf_image_segmentation/generated/"
# You can find extracted background image in "~/FCN_demo/tf_image_segmentation/background_extracted/"
# You can find person background image in "~/FCN_demo/tf_image_segmentation/person_extracted/"
$source activate fcn
2.모듈 파일 위치로 이동
$cd /home/nowgeun1/Desktop/FCN/
3.pretrained 된 모델 테스트
$python3 test.py
4.예측 확인
**User Input Data 활용법
테스트 이미지 파일 저장 폴더:
ex) /home/nowgeun1/Desktop/FCN_demo/data/
예측 결과 폴더:
ex) /home/nowgeun1/Desktop/FCN_demo/tf_image_segmentation/generated/
http://warmspringwinds.github.io/tensorflow/tf-slim/2017/01/23/fully-convolutional-networks-(fcns)-for-image-segmentation/ https://github.com/warmspringwinds/tf-image-segmentation