
infogan demo module for crevasse AI

Primary LanguagePython


infogan demo module for crevasse AI

File Structure

├── data                # your input & output data dir
|   └──  celebA         # your celebA image data should be here
|   |     └── README.md    # check README.md for more instructions
|   |  
|   └──  MNIST_data     # your MNIST_data should be here
|   |     └── README.md    # check README.md for more instructions
|   └──  out
|   |     └──  gans
|   |     |     └── infogan  # your output generated data is stored here
├── tf-gans            
|     └── examples
|     |     └── gans.py  # your python script to run for testing and predicting    
|     └──  src
|     └──  ...
└── README.md


  • Python 3.3+
  • Tensorflow 1.10+
  • TensorFlow Probability
  • numpy
  • Scipy
  • Matplotlib
  • skimage
  • pillow
  • imageio 2.4.1+


$ git clone https://github.com/agdal1125/infogan_demo/
  • install all modules in the requirements

Data Preparation

MNIST data

(You can download them here: http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/)
  1. Place your MNIST_data in infogan_demo/data/MNIST_data/
  2. Delete README.md in that folder

The folder should look like this:

|   └──  MNIST_data     
|   |     └── t10k-images-idx3-ubtye.gz
|   |     └──  t10k-labels-idx1-ubtye.gz
|   |     └──  train-images-idx3-ubtye.gz
|   |     └──  train-labels-idx1-ubtye.gz

CelebA data

  1. Download the data
  2. unzip img_align_celeba.zip
  3. Move all the images to --> infogan_demo/data/celebA/
  4. Delete README.md in that folder

The folder should look like this:

|   └──  celebA     
|   |     └── 000001.jpg
|   |     └──  000002.jpg
|   |     └── ...

General Usage

-- CelebA

$ cd YOUR_WORKING_DIRECTORY/infogan/tf-gans/examples/

$ python3 gans.py --train --dataset celeba --dir YOUR_WORKING_DIRECTORY/infogan_demo

-- mnist

$ cd /home/nowgeun1/Desktop/infogan/tf-gans/examples/

$ python3 gans.py --train --dataset mnist --dir YOUR_WORKING_DIRECTORY/infogan_demo

Server Usage (for Crevasse)

  1. 개발환경 접속
$source activate infogan
  1. 훈련

-- CelebA

$ cd /home/nowgeun1/Desktop/infogan/tf-gans/examples/

$ python3 gans.py --train --dataset celeba 

-- mnist

$ cd /home/nowgeun1/Desktop/infogan/tf-gans/examples/

$ python3 gans.py --train --dataset mnist 
  1. train log file & generated된 이미지 저장 위치: /home/nowgeun1/Desktop/infogan/data/out/gans/infogan/