
Algolia in fifteen minutes using the JavaScript API client and InstantSearch frontend library

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A quick tutorial to get your Algolia search running in fifteen minutes using the JavaScript API client and InstantSearch frontend library

... a diversion on Developer Setup

If you don't already use Node, get setup the right way:

Install Node.js "the right way"

There are many ways to get Node.js on your system (brew, setup files...) but the best way to do it is via nvm.

Install Yarn "the right way"

Sign-up for Algolia

  1. Login to your Algolia account or Sign-up for an account here if you don't have one already (Note: You can get a free Community plan)

Upload Your Data

  1. Copy the .env.defaults file and name it .env for your configuration variables
cp .env.defaults .env
  1. Navigate to the "API Keys" tab in your Algolia Dashboard to find the Application ID and Admin API Key, then in your .env file set the following values:

  1. Install the node modules:
  1. In index.js Line 10 we require the Algolia Javascript API Client. But, don't forget, Algolia has API clients for many languages.
const algoliasearch = require('algoliasearch');
  1. In index.js Line 26-28 we initialize the client using your credentials
const client = algoliasearch(process.env.ALGOLIA_APP_ID, process.env.ALGOLIA_ADMIN_API_KEY);
const indexName = process.env.ALGOLIA_INDEX_NAME;
const index = client.initIndex(indexName);
  1. We pre-populated some data, but feel free to pick your JSON dataset and copy-and-paste it into data.json. Algolia has free datasets here if you're interested.

  2. In index.js Line 40 shape your date into a JSON record of your choosing. For example:

    "name": "shirt",
    "color": "white",
    "_tags": ["summer", "cotton"],
    "onSale": true,
    "price": 24
  1. Index the data:
yarn upload

Set Your Relevance

  1. You have many options for setting relevance, but at a minimum set searchable attributes

Setup the Frontend

  1. Use the boilerplate InstantSearch.js codesandbox, fork it and use it to get started

  2. In app.js build out your search widgets using this Getting Started guide

  3. Review the available widgets and enjoy testing them out using your data in app.js and index.html