
A distributed file system that replicates Google Drive, DropBox and the like.

Primary LanguagePython


Programming assignment 3 for the Operating Systems course at Ashoka University taught by Professor Anirban Mondol. Uses primarily python watchdog and python sockets.

Folder Structure

Ideally, this project requires three different machines: one acts as the Client, another acts as the Server, and the third has all the Storage Nodes.

  1. Client: This is where the source folder is located. Any file creation or modification (detected using Watchdog) in the client/source_folder/ is immediately synced to the server using the client/client_watch.py script. Later, this file can be retrieved using the client/fetch.py script in the client/target_folder/ folder.

  2. Server: This is where most of the work happens. The script server/server.py listens for connections from the client, writes a synced file locally, decides the storage node (port number) a file must be sent to on the basis of its extension, sends the file to the appropriate storage node, updates the local file index on the server (stored in server/myIndex/index.txt), and then deletes the file locally. At this point, the file has been sent to the storage node (the third computer system).

    The file server/send_file.py listens to fetch file requests from the client on a different port. It sends either the list of files on the nodes (as listed in server/myIndex/index.txt, or sends a specific file that the client may have asked for.

  3. Storage Nodes: On the third system, node/node.py must be running on 4 ports. It takes the port number as a command line argument: $ python node.py 9000, $ python node.py 9001, $ python node.py 9002, $ python node.py 9003. This starts 4 servers that correspond to port numbers that files with different extensions may be sent to by the server.

    This system also runs node/sendFile.py to respond to fetch requests that are sent to it by the server.

How to run

On all three machines

$ git clone https://github.com/agdhruv/distributed-file-system.git
$ cd distributed-file-system/
$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

On the client

$ cd client/
$ mkdir source_folder target_folder # git does not detect empty folders (contents of these folders are in gitignore)
$ python client_watch.py
# run the following to fetch a file when required (in a separate terminal)
$ python fetch.py
$ python fetch.py filename.ext

On the server

$ cd server/
$ echo "" > myIndex/index.txt # emptying index, in case it has old values
$ python server.py
$ python send_file.py # in a separate terminal to listen to fetch requests

On the node

$ cd node/
$ mkdir mp3 txt pdf others # folders corresponding to each port
$ python node.py 9000
$ python node.py 9001 # separate terminal
$ python node.py 9002 # separate terminal
$ python node.py 9003 # separate terminal
$ python sendFile.py 9004 # in a separate terminal to listen to fetch requests


  • Create a file in source_folder/. This will be synced to the server, update in the file index, and then sent to the node.
  • Now run python fetch.py on the client. You will receive a list of files on the nodes.
  • Running python fetch.py filename.ext on the client. You will either receive the file in target_folder/ or a message if the file is not found or is being updated on the node at that moment.