EUDI IT Wallet Pid Provider

Technical requirements

EUDI-it-wallet-pid-provider is a backend service developed in Java with Spring Boot Framework that include the functionality to issue the Italian PID (Person Identification Data) credential according to Italian EUDI Wallet Technical Specifications.


In this release there is a mock authentication: the credentials are user/password.

Creating Docker Image and Launching Container

  • Compile and build the project's JAR file.

    mvn clean package

  • Build an image using the Dockerfile provided in the code (use the -t option to specify a name:tag for the image).

    docker build -t eudi-it-wallet-pid-provider .

  • Launch a container using the newly created image (where -p EXT_PORT:INT_PORT maps the internal port - to be consistent with the one specified in the YAML file with the Docker profile - and exposes it to a port of our choice).

    docker run -p 8443:8443 eudi-it-wallet-pid-provider

  • Verify the successful accessibility of the swagger endpoint

Docker Hub Repository

EUDI IT Wallet Pid Provider - Docker Hub Image Repository


v.1.3.0 - authorize returns code and state in jwt

v.1.2.1 - align PID Data Model and Issuance to spec v.0.5.1

v.1.2.0 - federation and Android SDK example - fix cnf param in credential

v.1.1.2 - updated Spring Boot to v.3.1.2 - fixed security issues - fixed bug with kid claim in sd-jwt


Apache License Version 2.0