
e07 - Loose Ends

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Player damage

  • Add stats node to Player
  • Connect to you_died_signal in player (queue_free, "GAME OVER")
  • In Enemy script damage the player:
				var player_stats: Stats = player.get_node("Stats")
				print("I hit you!: ", player_stats.current_HP, "/", player_stats.max_HP)
  • When player dies, breaks stuff!

move_and_slide(Vector3.ZERO) (after returning after attack)

  • ALso shooting not just using floor, but colliding with enemies and obstacles.

  • Label a new layer called "ground" and put the ground on it (also leave the ground on world layer)

  • Explain the "bit" value: it will be 8 (4th-bit), but if you wanted to add more layers, you need to add the values together.

var collision_mask =  8
	var intersection = space_state.intersect_ray(ray_origin, ray_target, [],  collision_mask)