
High availability system whith CDPSGram server and CDPSGram photos servers.

System Diagram


The system consists on the following containers:

  • Proxy: NGINX as firewall and reverse proxy.
  • LB-server: HAPROXY as LB from the server service
  • LB-photos: HAPROXY as LB from the photos rest service.
  • Server: NodeJS server.
  • photos-rest: NodeJS REST server.
  • DB: MongoDB database master in replication set.


Downloading the source code

$ git clone
$ cd docker-cdpsgram
$ docker-compose up
// connect in your browser to <host IP>:80,
// through the compose logs, you can see
// the proxy, lbs and mongo slaves working


  • Docker: Software containerization platform
  • node.js: Server enviroment.
  • MongoDB: NoSQL database system.
  • mongoose: MongoDB object modeling for node.js.
  • docker-build: Automated build of Docker images.
  • docker-compose: Automated configuration and run of multi-container Docker applications.