
Set of examples using prometheus for monitoring a microservice architecture

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Simple Prometheus Monitoring

This repo contains a comprehensive example of using prometheus for monitoring a microservice architecture.

Thanks to docker-compose, a stack is deployed with multiple services that are pluggable to the same prometheus stack. The services monitored are:

  • The Host's docker engine
  • Host instance
  • Containers running in host
  • Rabbit service
  • Nginx service
  • Prometheus itself

In order to deploy the stack the following commands need to be executed:

# Lauch prometheus + alertmanager services
docker-compose up
# Launch grafana for dashboar representation
docker-compose -f grafana/docker-compose.yaml up
# Launch the rest of services and exporters with docker-compose -f <service_name>/docker-compose.yaml up

docker-compose -f cAdvisor/docker-compose.yaml up
docker-compose -f node-exporter/docker-compose.yaml up
docker-compose -f nginx-vts/docker-compose.yaml up
docker-compose -f RabbitMQ/docker-compose.yaml up


These are some helpfull considerations when using this stack.


Thanks to the Open Source comunity of grafana, there are a lot of "baked" dashboards for multiple exporters, the following dashboards are very easy to add to your grafana by using the import id. They will probide a very nice overview of the metrics exposed by the exporters.

Reload prometheus

Prometheus is able to hotreload it's configuration by getting a post request, this can be really helpfull when trying new exporters not needing to reload the prometheus container.

curl -X POST http://localhost:9090/-/reload