
Monitoring server using Prometheus, Alertmanager, Grafana and blackbox-exporter

Primary LanguagePython

Monitoring for SecureDrop instances

Automation code for Prometheus, Alertmanager, Grafana and blackbox-exporter.

Configured to check for availability of Tor hidden services. The flow is like blackbox_exporter (HTTP requests over Tor, via Privoxy) → Prometheus (time series numerical metric database with querying and alerting capabilities) → Grafana (visualization) + Alertmanager (notification).

Prometheus is a pull-based monitoring system, it makes a periodic GET request to an HTTP metrics endpoint (which is termed scraping) hosted by blackbox_exporter (which can be configured to look for HTTP 2xx responses) in order to obtain the results of probes against certain targets. blackbox_exporter utilizes Privoxy's HTTP proxy which in turn uses Tor's SOCKS port.

Make sure intra-container network communication is possible. Recommended DOCKER_OPTS:

--ip-forward=true --iptables=true --userland-proxy=true --log-level=debug --icc=true

Getting started

The configuration management is done with Ansible, which may be obtained via Python's pip.

We're also leveraging Docker and docker-compose, yet it's managed through the Ansible Docker modules. This playbook expects you to have a working docker, which your user is able to access either through the default Docker Unix socket or a TLS-enabled DOCKER_HOST. Because of recent features and changes in those modules, we require Ansible 2.8.0 or later.

Once you have all the requirements in requirements.txt (feel free to bootstrap a virtualenv if needed) installed, then one may execute the playbook at securedrop-monitoring.yml.

Subsequently, you should have sites for each component available at: