
The Uncomplicated Firewall (ufw) log parser

Primary LanguagePython


The Uncomplicated Firewall (ufw) log parser. Includes Python package for parsing, filtering, and formatting logs, in addition to a CLI front-end.

Usage: ufp.py [-h] [-p] [-s] [-src2dpt] [-dst2dpt] [-src2dst] [-ct] [-r] [-c]
              [-a] [-b] [-i] [-o] [-spt FILTER_SOURCE_PORT]
              [-dst FILTER_DESTINATION_IP]

positional arguments:
  filename              Specify which ufw log file to parse. - for stdin.
                        /var/log/ufw.log is default.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p, --print           Print the parsed data with a basic formatter which
                        displays source and destination pairs.
  -s, --summary         Print the parsed data with a summary which displays
                        distinct sources and destinations, ports.
  -src2dpt, --source-to-dst-port
                        Print the parsed data with a summary which displays
                        distinct sources and destination ports for each
  -dst2dpt, --destination-to-dst-port
                        Print the parsed data with a summary which displays
                        distinct destinations and destination ports for each
  -src2dst, --source-to-dst
                        Print the parsed data with a summary which displays
                        distinct sources and destination addresses for each
  -ct, --count          Count entries after filtering and display the number.
  -r, --reverse-dns     Enable reverse DNS lookup to translate IP addresses
                        into hostnames.
  -c, --colorize        Use colored icons in output to represent ALLOW or
  -a, --filter-allow-only
                        Only display entries for which the resulting action
                        was ALLOW.
  -b, --filter-block-only
                        Only display entries for which the resulting action
                        was BLOCK.
  -i, --filter-inbound-only
                        Only display entries which were initiated inbound to
                        the logging host.
  -o, --filter-outbound-only
                        Only display entries which were initiated outbound
                        from the logging host.
  -spt FILTER_SOURCE_PORT, --filter-source-port FILTER_SOURCE_PORT
                        Only display entries which have a source port matching
                        the value provided.
                        Only display entries which have a destination port
                        matching the value provided.
  -src FILTER_SOURCE_IP, --filter-source-ip FILTER_SOURCE_IP
                        Only display entries which have a source ip matching
                        the value provided.
                        Only display entries which have a destination ip
                        matching the value provided.
If no formatting arguments are provided, a table is printed along with
the count of matching entries (same as -p -ct).


  • Only show traffic with a source of

    • ./ufp.py -src
  • Only show allowed traffic with a destination port of 443

    • ./ufp.py -a -dpt 443
  • Only show traffic inbound to the logging host which was blocked

    • ./ufp.py -i -b
  • Only show traffic outbound from the logging host which was blocked. Enable reverse DNS lookup for entries.

    • ./ufp.py -o -b -r

    Outbound entries will only appear if you have explicitly enabled that type of logging. For example: ufw allow out log to any proto tcp port 22

UFP Python Package

  • ufp.parser
    • ufp.parser.base.BaseParser
      • Basic regex parser for UFW logs.
    • ufp.parser.base.ParsedLine
      • Representation of a fully parsed log line with access and data retrieval helpers.
    • ufp.parser.base.ParserFilter
      • Enables filtering the collection of ParsedLine objects according to various criteria.
    • ufp.parser.file.FileParser
      • Extends ufp.parser.base.BaseParser to provide iteration of lines in a log file or file-like object.
  • ufp.formatter
    • ufp.formatter.base.BaseFormatter
      • Base formatter with display helpers. format method must be extended.
    • ufp.formatter.basic.BasicSrcDstActionFormatter
      • Basic formatter used with the -p argument. Prints a table with date, protocol, src, dst, spt, dpt, and action.
    • ufp.formatter.count.CountFormatter
      • Displays count of filtered ParsedLine instances.
    • ufp.formatter.summary.SummaryFormatter
      • Displays summary information regarding sources, destinations, source ports, and destination ports.
    • ufp.formatter.summary.SrcToDstPortFormatter
      • Displays mapping of source IP addresses to destintion ports.
    • ufp.formatter.summary.DstToDstPortFormatter
      • Displays mapping of destination IP addresses to destintion ports.
    • ufp.formatter.summary.SrcToDstIPFormatter
      • Displays mapping of source IP addresses to destintion IP addresses.

Running tests
