Register WordPress scheduled tasks.
- PHP 8.0 or greater
- Composer
- Lumberjack
composer require agence-adeliom/lumberjack-cron
# Copy the configuration file
cp vendor/agence-adeliom/lumberjack-cron/config/crons.php web/app/themes/YOUR_THEME/config/crons.php
'providers' => [
namespace App\Tasks;
use Adeliom\Lumberjack\Cron\Cron;
class ExampleCronEvent extends Cron
public $every = [
'seconds' => 30,
'minutes' => 15,
'hours' => 1,
public function handle(){
update_option('last_ran', current_time('mysql'));
Register the task into your config file web/app/themes/YOUR_THEME/config/crons.php
return [
'register' => [
Lumberjack Cron is released under the MIT License.