
This repository contains all files associated with the publication "Reduced-order Models for Microstructure-Sensitive Effective Thermal Conductivity of Woven Ceramic Matrix Composites with Residual Porosity".

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Dataset description:
This is the repository for the Materials and Design paper titled "Reduced-order Models for Microstructure-Sensitive Effective Thermal Conductivity of Woven Ceramic Matrix Composites with Residual Porosity"

Files Included:

  • k11.mat, k22.mat, k33.mat - ABAQUS effective thermal conductivity values for all microstructures.
  • pcs.mat - The low-dimensional model input of principal component scores for all microstructures. Statistical quantification of microstructures can be accomplished through the PyMKS github page: https://github.com/materialsinnovation/pymks.
  • avg_hflux.py - post-processing script for extracting effective orthotropic thermal conductivity
  • analyticalK1.m, analyticalK3.m - implementation of the Hierarchical Two Layer model from "Modeling the Transverse Thermal Conductivity of 2-D SiC/SiC Composites Made with Woven Fabric".
  • main_gpr_linear.m - main script for building of predictive Gaussian processes for each orthotropic component.

Further information regarding the GPR model implementation can be found in the Mathwords page: https://www.mathworks.com/help/stats/fitrgp.html