
homework for lecture agent_system

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

agent_system homeworks

Slide archives: http://1drv.ms/1FdAUDy


This is homework to understand git/github

NOTE: This homework is located on another repository. https://github.com/agent-system/homework20150415/


This homework is for understanding a concept of Robot Architecture, and ROS(Robot Operating System).

Before doing this homework, you have to setup catkin ROS workspace for executing homework.

# install catkin tools
$ sudo apt-get install python-catkin-tools python-rosdep ros-hydro-desktop-full
# create directory for workspace
$ mkdir -p $HOME/ros/hydro/src
$ cd $HOME/ros/hydro
# initialize workspace
$ source /opt/ros/hydro/setup.bash
$ catkin init
$ cd src
# put homework on your workspace
$ git clone https://github.com/agent-system/homework
$ cd ..
# install dependencies
$ sudo rosdep init
$ rosdep update
$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r
$ source /opt/ros/hydro/setup.bash
# build homework20150422 package
$ catkin build homework20150422
$ source $HOME/ros/hydro/devel/setup.bash
$ echo 'source $HOME/ros/hydro/devel/setup.bash' >> $HOME/.bashrc


To be Continued...


See the gazebo slides in the slide archives: http://1drv.ms/1FdAUDy

Getting Started with Gazebo

# launch gazebo with samplerobot

wget -q -O /tmp/jsk.rosbuild https://raw.github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_common/master/jsk.rosbuild
bash /tmp/jsk.rosbuild -s --rtm hydro

# terminal 1
roslaunch hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials gazebo_samplerobot_no_controllers.launch
# terminal 2
rtmlaunch hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials samplerobot_hrpsys_bringup.launch
# terminal 3
roscd hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials/euslisp
roseus samplerobot-interface.l
(send *ri* :angle-vector (send *sr* :reset-pose) 4000)
(send *ri* :start-auto-balancer)
(send *ri* :start-st)
(send *ri* :go-pos -0.5 0 0) ;; x y theta [m]

# with kinect

roscd hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials
git remote add furushchev https://github.com/furushchev/rtmros_tutorials.git
git fetch furushchev
git checkout -b samplerobot-with-kinect furushchev/samplerobot-with-kinect
catkin bt

source ~/ros/hydro/devel/setup.bash
# terminal 1
roslaunch hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials gazebo_samplerobot_no_controllers_drc_testbed.launch

# terminal 2
rtmlaunch hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials samplerobot_hrpsys_bringup.launch

# terminal 3
rosrun rviz rviz
# add RobotModel, PointCloud2 and Camera on rviz menu
# choose /xtion/depth/points/ at Topic of PointCloud2
# choose /xtion/depth/merge_raw at Image Topic of Camera

# terminal 4
roscd hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials/euslisp
roseus samplerobot-interface.l
# you may need rosrun roseus generate-all-msg-srv.sh 

;; 以下roseus
(send *ri* :angle-vector (send *sr* :reset-pose) 4000)
(send *ri* :start-auto-balancer)
(send *ri* :start-st)
(send *ri* :go-pos -0.5 0 0) ;; x y theta [m]


  • when executing catkin bt, error collada_urdf_jsk_patch not found occurs in indigo

    please add jsk_3rdparty repository to your local and build again

roscd cd ../src wstool set jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_3rdparty --git https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_3rdparty.git wstool up jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_3rdparty cd jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_3rdparty/3rdparty/assimp_devel touch CATKIN_IGNORE # this is for speedup compiling cd .. catkin build collada_urdf_jsk_patch catkin build hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials source devel/setup.bash

# 2015/7/15

レポート提出 提出先:工学部2号館3階機械系事務室(307,308号室) 期限:2015年7月31日(金曜日)17時 内容:A4で2ページ

  1. 専攻、研究室名、学籍番号、氏名、電子メールアドレス
  2. 各自の研究テーマの概要を説明し、なぜその研究をしようと考えたのか、何を目指すのかについて説明せよ。
  3. シミュレータプログラムを利用して、各自で工夫して行った内容について、ポイントがわかるように説明せよ。
  4. 7月1日、15日での講義で学んだこと、講義を聞いて各自で調査し、考えたことについて説明せよ。