
A plugin for Shaarli (community fork) to share links to social networks

Primary LanguagePHP

Plugin unmaintained. Feel free to make a fork ou submit PR.

Social share plugin for Shaarli

For each link in your Shaarli, this plugin adds links to share your bookmarks to main social networks and by email (mailto).


Clone this repository inside your plugins/ directory, or download the archive and unpack it there.
The directory structure should look like:

└── plugins
        └── social
            ├── README.md
            ├── social.php
            ├── social.html
            └── social.css

To enable the plugin, just check it in the plugin administration page.

You can also add social to your list of enabled plugins in data/config.json.php (general.enabled_plugins list).

This should look like:

"general": {
  "enabled_plugins": [
