
Simple Little PHP server to automate bin creation on pasteBin.com

Primary LanguagePHP


Simple Slim3 based server that blindly accepts posts and makes bins with your configured user account to pasteBin.com

Starting Server

Fill out cache/userOptions with your credentials for pasteBin.

Run the server. composer start or php -S localhost:8080 -t public or Serve up the public folder with your favorite web server.


curl -F upload=@- http://localhost:8080/


'curl -F upload=@- -F private=1 http://localhost:8080/' to change the privacy level of the bin.

You'll get back either an error message, or a link to the pasteBin that was created.


You can also retrieve pastes directly from pasteBin... Though this server will only try to render pastes that are 1:1 copies of an image!


That's probably a security flaw? Depends how much you can trust htmlspecialchars


alias serveBin='curl -F upload=@- http://localhost:8080/'

alias wasteBinPrivate='curl -F upload=@- -F private=1 http://localhost:8080/'

Obviously change things and include your secretMessage if you use that.

You can pass any of these keywords as a form to edit that part of the bin "private","name","expire","format","key"

You can easily figure out how to use these from the pastebin Docs.


There isn't much.

Leave the secretMessage blank if you want anyone who can post at your server to be able to post message as you.

Obviously if this is going to be hosted anywhere public that's likely to be a poor choice.

Also obviously this is a terrible way to do security and someone who wants to write something more appropriate is free to open a pull request :)



  • Security.
  • Handling all the options from the $_POST variable would be neat.
  • Cleaning up the class.
  • Cleaning up how requests to paste bin are handled.
  • Add real error handling.

I will likely do none of those things so feel free!