
ColdFusion Wrapper for Stripe.com

Primary LanguageColdFusion

This is a ColdFusion wrapper for the Stripe.com API (http://stripe.com)

It supports all the methods of the Stripe API.

Compatible with Railo and Adobe ColdFusion.

BASIC USAGE - works great with Stripe.js (https://gist.github.com/1084146) although it is not necessary

Within your Application.cfc place the following code:

application.stripeApiKey = 'YOUR STRIPE SECRET PUBLISHABLE KEY';
application.Stripe = createObject('component','path.to.Stripe').init(stripeApiKey=application.stripeApiKey);

On the page you want to process payments:

local.StripeResult = application.Stripe.createCharge(amount=form.amount,card=form.stripeToken,description='Payment for products');