
This is the source code of the simple app that I presented on Microsoft Student Champs Monthly Meeting - November 2013

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Simple Node.js app

This is the source code of the simple app that I presented on Microsoft Student Champs Monthly Meeting - November 2013

Stuffs to check

  1. server.js
  2. routs/user.js
  3. views / layout.jade
  4. views / index.jade
  5. views / login.jade
  6. public folder


Contains the configurtions and specially the Routs

app.get('/', routes.index); // localhost/ 
app.get('/users', user.list); // localhost/users
app.get('/users/:username', user.profile); // localhost/users/bill


Contains all the controllers of user, define what to do when someone send a request to a particular rout

 * GET localhost/users/:username : users profile.
exports.profile = function(req, res){
  res.render('profile', {   title: 'Profile', username: req.params.username });

When someone sends a HTTP GET request to the URL 'localhost/users/bill', the '/users/:username' rout will catch it and trigger this controller. This controller will render the view called 'profile' and pass a variable called 'username' with the value that we got with the request ( that is 'bill' in this case).

views / layout.jade

Contains the jade codes for the main template of the site. This Jade codes will be converted into HTML by Jade Template Engine.

views / login.jade

This extends the layout.jade and overrides the 'content' block.

Public folder

Holds all the static files like CSS, JS, images, etc.