
repository of previous exams for easy download


repository of previous exams for easy download

Exam: 28.11.2016 kl 09:00 - 4t ordinær tid.: Fysikkbygningen Store fysiske lesesal (4. etasje. Ankomst via trapp og heis.)

The syllabus (relevant exam material (pensum)) is defined as all topics presented in the course lectures and in the homework problems. The lectures will follow the textbook (Griffiths) rather closely, and a list of chapters lectured upon will be presented on this page before the exams. For a tentative list, see the time schedule page.

List of material treated in lectures and problems: Griffiths: 2 (not 2.6),3,4,5 (not 5.4),6 (not 6.4.3),7,8 + the notes: Time evolution of states in quantum mechanics, Symmetry and degeneracy + homework problems.

On the final exam you may bring: Approved calculator, D.J. Griffiths: “Introduction to Quantum Mechanics”, the printed notes: “Time evolution of states in quantum mechanics” and “Symmetry and degeneracy”, one handwritten A4-sheet(2 pages) with your own notes, and K. Rottmann: “Matematisk formelsamling”.