
Facebook open graph and Twitter cards for Joomla! articles and FLEXIcontent items

Primary LanguagePHP

Socialmeta plugin for Joomla!

Social-meta is a system plugin for Joomla! which creates Facebook open graph and Twitter metadata in the head of the document. The idea is to allow the writer to configure properly the way his article will appear on the streams of the social networks.

... that this document as well as the extension are in progress ;-)

Do I need Socialmeta?

Hummm... Difficult to say, but just let me ask you a simple question first...

When you share a page of your Joomla! site on Facebook, what do you want to see ?

screenshot of the basic options

If you prefer the second option (right side... just to be sure), you can keep on reading :P


Download the project zip and install it like any other extension:

  • Go to extensions > plugins
  • Find System - Socialmeta
  • Publish it.

Open and save the configuration of the plugin at least once - even if you didn't provide any data - to set up automatically some default parameters values and be sure to avoid any PHP notices.


  • Go to extensions > plugins
  • Find System - Socialmeta
  • Open it


Actually no parameter is really required but if you wish the application to be really efficient, I recommend you to fill up at least the parameters 1, 4 and 6.

screenshot of the basic options Figure 1

  1. Default's site image
    You can set a default image for any page shared on Facebook except on those set manually with the content plugin. Leave it empty if you don't want to use it.

  2. Facebook Application ID
    If you have an Application ID for you site you can put it here. The plugin will generate the meta property. Leave it empty if you don't want to use it.
    Only useful for Facebook insights

  3. Admin ID
    Enter the Facebook ID of the user who will be able to access to the sharing stats of the pages. See Facebook insights for more information.
    Only useful for Facebook insights

  4. Facebook profile URL
    Enter the user profile URL with the https:// prefix. It will define the default author of your website's. This setting can be overridden for each author in the contact component under the Facebook tab.

  5. Facebook page URL
    Enter the user profile URL with the https:// prefix. It will define the publisher of the articles.

  6. Twitter @username
    Enter here the twitter @username of your whole site. Enter the Twitter account of a default author/entity to follow. This setting can be overridden for each author in the contact component under the Facebook tab

  7. Title limit
    You can modify here the size of the title in the character counter. The accurate setting is 68 today, but this value may change in the future depending on Facebook recommendations.

  8. Description limit
    You can modify here the size of the description in the character counter. The accurate setting is 200 today, but this value may change in the future depending on Facebook recommendations.


Here come the explanations about the components tab

screenshot of the advanced options Figure 1bis


Don't be scared, there's nothing to do here except if you get some specific compatibility issues. In this particular case this settings will allow you to disable globally the creation of some specific meta. It may be the case for example if you have some kind of sharing button extension which already creates the fb:app_id meta.

screenshot of the advanced options Figure 2


Automatic mode

The plugin functions automatically pretty good but if you come to this extension, it's probably because you wish to make your post more beautiful and get more impact, right?
That was my purpose too. Thus the automatic mode only serves one purpose: to work the best at it can with the existing articles.
If, for whatever reason, the automatic mode does not produce the result you expect, you can just edit the article and use the manual override.

Meta tags creation: rules and default values

Property Default value Overridable
og:site_name site name from Joomla! global configuration
og:url the url is generated by the component router
og:locale the page language
og:type article overridable by video (website wil be soon available for multi-items views) yes
og:title will use the 68 first characters of the article title yes
og:description will use the 200 first characters of the article text yes
og:image will use the article images. full + html, intro + html, or html (plugin conf.) yes
og:image:width automatic from og:image -
og:image:height automatic from og:image -
og:image:type automatic from og:image -
og:video only available manually yes
og:video:url automatic from og:video -
og:video:secure_url automatic from og:video -
og:video:type semi-automatic from og:video with fetch button yes
og:video:width semi-automatic from og:video with fetch button yes
og:video:height semi-automatic from og:video with fetch button yes
og:see_also only available manually (article selector to link related items) yes
og:updated_time automatic from object table modified in ISO8601
article:author socialmeta configuration (fig.2-4) overridable in contact view
article:expiration_time automatic from object table publish_down in ISO8601
article:modified_time automatic from object table modified in ISO8601
article:published_time automatic from object table publish_up in ISO8601
article:publisher socialmeta configuration (fig.2-5)
article:section automatic from object table catid
article:tag automatic from object table getItemTags(**id**)
fb:app_id socialmeta configuration (fig.2-2)
fb:admins socialmeta configuration (fig.2-3)
twitter:card idem og:type (article == summary_large_image) (video == player)
twitter:site socialmeta configuration (fig.2-6) overridable in contact view
twitter:player idem og:video yes
twitter:player:width idem og:video:width yes
twitter:player:height idem og:video:height yes

Manual article override

What makes this extension different from other implementations is precisely THIS feature. Socialmeta gives you the ability to override the automatic meta creation by your own input for each article. It gives the author/publisher a total flexibility on the way his content will be rendered on the social networks.

This is how it looks in the Joomla! article view.
screenshot of the article view Figure 3

  1. Image
    The image used when sharing the article on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. If none is provided the automatic override order is Default image -> HTML of the article (first one) -> intro or full (depending on your configuration)
  2. Title
    If empty the article title will be used instead
  3. Description
    If empty the beginning of the article will be used instead (all html tags will be automatically striped)
  4. Related article
    Add some related resources to try to gain related items from your site under your post in the stream.
  5. Video HTTPS Url
    Enter the url of the video resource associated to your content. Note that Facebook and Twitter REQUIRE HTTPS to avoid mixed content browser errors when playing the video in the stream
  6. Video MIME
    This field should be automatically populated by pressing the Fetch button. If not the accepted values are: application/x-shockwave-flash or video/mp4
  7. Video width
    Width of your video in pixels
  8. Video height
    Height of your video in pixels
  9. Content's main type
    You shouldn't touch anything except if you wish your article to be treated as a video content. It may then become streamable in Facebook and Twitter streams. The other interest of setting an article as video content is to try to get a video preview in Google search result.

Sites with multiple authors

Before taking any decision on the values you will provide for fig.1-4, fig.1-5, fig.5-1 and fig.5-2, I strongly recommend you the reading of the following articles: New Open Graph tags for media publishers & Using Author Tags with Facebook Story Previews
These articles will help you do decide about your author/publisher strategy.

If you wish each author to be linked with his publications on the facebook stream you can add his own Facebook profile URL and Twitter @username in the Contact component. To perform this just create a contact for each user for which you would like to override the general settings.
screenshot of the contact creation
Figure 4

  1. Create a new contact
  2. Give him a name and link it with a existing user (fig.4-1)
  3. Go the social tab (fig.4-2)

screenshot of the contact creation social tab Figure 5

  1. Provide Facebook (fig.5-1) and Twitter (fig.5-2) credentials.
    Note that Facebook must be an Url and Twitter a @username
  2. Save the new contact.

You absolutely don't need to use the contact component except once to do what I said previously. I just use its database table to store the user social profiles. The contact doesn't need to be published. You can even disable the component if you wish ;)
I made this choice to avoid having to create a user plugin which may conflict with other extensions which will also override the user management.
It may change in the future but that's the most reliable solution I found up to now.


This plugin was created for a friend of mine running a Joomla! website. It was supposed to serve a particular purpose, because IMHO there was a lack on that particular matter. As it could be useful for anyone using Joomla!, we now try to improve it and to make it really generic. So, be confident, send me suggestions, and we will build together THE solution to fix that once for all ;)

Known issues and ... todo ;)

  • Create parameters to choose the automatic image creation mode
  • Use meta description from the object before using the text field (up to now it is how the description is fetched from the facebook url scrapper)
  • Manage JS errors of the video properties fetching engine (see fig.3-5)
    • no image...
    • no description...
    • no video data...
  • Creation settings for visible elements
    • Images: use image field or parse html
    • og:author (contact view) add or override
    • Add twitter:creator or override twitter:site
  • Implement category view (soon - everything is ready, I just want to cleanup the onBeforeCompileHead{...} method)
  • Implement menu component (soon - everything is ready, I just want to cleanup the onBeforeCompileHead{...} method)
  • Implement Google+ as well (soon - I didn't have to study the effects of the markup up to now as I don't often use Google+ myself.)


Up to now Socialmeta is only compatible with Joomla articles (com_content) and FLEXIcontent items (com_flexicontent). It only implements 2 objects from the open graph protocol: article and video.
If you are looking for an open graph solution for implementing the product object type to your ecommerce (that would be an extremely wise decision by the way), you should have a further look to the JED


Joomla! 3+

Useful ressources

Official documents and recommendations
The open graph protocol
Sharing Best Practices for Websites & Mobile Apps
The article object
Twitter cards official documentation

Testing tools
Open Graph Object debugger
Twitter Card Validator

General articles
What You Need to Know About Open Graph Meta Tags for Total Facebook and Twitter Mastery
Increase your Social Impact with OpenGraph – Related Articles
Some meta templates
New Open Graph tags for media publishers
Using Author Tags with Facebook Story Previews
7 Common Meta Tag Mistakes That Publishers Make
Social Metadata: More Important than You Think
Facebook is King, Other Networks Fight for Scraps

Articles about video tags and strategy
How to implement opengraph for video
Video SEO - basics, essentials & best practises
How Video Marketing Creates Immediate SEO Results
Setting Videos not Hosted on Brightcove to Play within Facebook

Less interesting but still some information to grab
Social Meta Tags for Google, Twitter and Facebook
Facebook Open Graph Meta Tags Tutorial
Social Media Tags: 11 Most Important Facebook Meta Tags