A series of Jupyter notebooks that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Python using Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow 2.
Jupyter NotebookApache-2.0
- AbdullahAlrhmoun
- adhaamehab@cision
- alisezerLondon, UK
- AlpMimaroglu
- AwasthiMaddyNew Delhi, India
- badbubbleAmsterdam
- baidu88vip
- brunoeducsantosCapgemini Engineering
- cloverfan
- colinwkecqupt
- ericpollen
- feomer
- fuzhongqiang
- gerdmQueen Mary University of London
- GHGmc2@intel
- GokuDavidChina
- gurpreetshankyMagna
- hsingjunSan Jose
- huyhoang17HUST
- ibrahimsharaf@Cision
- JulienKode@Karst-Development
- kapsali29Martel Innovate
- kevingo@Mediatek-Cloud
- machinelearning147IIIT
- niccolomarcon
- onlinejudge95Faridabad
- psbots
- ShawonAshrafellamind GmbH
- SkeletroxAmazon Web Services
- soheeyangUCL/DeepMind
- sriharsha0806fractal
- tensorfreitasSonible
- torben-wIngolstadt, Germany (former: Reno, NV, USA)
- urvishp80Milton, Ontario, Canada