
An android app that allows one to search for weather forecase for any city.Built follwoing MVVM and clean architecture principles

Primary LanguageKotlin


An android app that allows one to search for weather forecase for any city.Built following MVVM and clean architecture principles. The app fetches weather forecast data for a given city then displays the forecast for the current day and two days after the current day.


To test the apk you can download the apk from here and install it on your android device.


To run the project you will first get your API key from openweather.Then add it to your local.properties file i.e API_KEY=YOUR_API_KEY

Additional features to be worked on:

  • Add more UI Test.
  • Rewrite the UI to use Jetpack Compose.
  • Add Baseline Profiles
  • Play around with kotlin-dsl


To run the tests,run this gradle command

./gradlew test


Clean Architecture with MVVM

Libraries & Jepack components used

  • Retrofit
  • Navigation Component
  • Room DB
  • Kotlin Coroutines
  • Dagger Hilt for Dependancy Injection
  • Truth Library
  • ViewModel
