
Demo playwright typescript tests

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Demo Playwright Test Suite

This project contains automated tests for the CXMeter application using Playwright.


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  3. Install Playwright browsers:
    npx playwright install

Running Tests

Use the following npm scripts to run tests:

  • Run all tests (default environment: stage):

    npm run test
  • Run tests in development environment:

    npm run test:dev
  • Run tests in staging environment:

    npm run test:stage
  • Run tests for a specific project in a specific environment:

    TEST_ENV=<env> npm run test:<project-name>

    Replace <env> with either dev or stage, and <project-name> with the name of the project you want to run (e.g., chromium, api-tests).


    TEST_ENV=dev npm run test:chromium
    TEST_ENV=stage npm run test:api-tests

Project Structure

├── API/
│   ├── client/
│   │   └── ApiClient.ts
│   └── constants/
│       └── apiConstants.ts
├── APIHelpers/
│   └── apiHelpers.ts
├── assertions/
│   ├── apiAssertions.ts
│   └── webAssertions.ts
├── core/
│   └── logger/
│       └── Listener.ts
├── pages/
│   ├── interactions/
│   │   ├── LoginInteractions.ts
│   │   └── DashboardInteractions.ts
│   └── locators/
│       ├── LoginLocators.ts
│       └── DashboardLocators.ts
└── tests/
    ├── apiTests/
    │   └── login.ts
    ├── e2e/
    │   ├── login.spec.ts
    │   └── dashboard.spec.ts
    └── setup/
        └── login.setup.ts
  • src/API/: Contains API-related code
    • client/: API client implementation
    • constants/: API route constants
  • src/APIHelpers/: Helper functions for API operations
  • src/assertions/: Custom assertion utilities
  • src/core/: Core utilities like custom reporter
  • src/pages/: Page Object Model components
    • interactions/: Page interaction methods
    • locators/: Element locators for pages
  • src/tests/: Test files
    • apiTests/: API-specific tests
    • e2e/: End-to-end test files
    • setup/: Test setup files
  • playwright.config.ts: Playwright configuration
  • package.json: Project dependencies and scripts


Test results are generated in multiple formats:

  1. Console Output: Real-time test results are displayed in the console during test execution.

  2. HTML Report:

    • Location: ./test-results/report
    • To view: Open index.html in this directory after test execution
  3. JSON Results:

    • File: ./test-results/results/results.json
    • Contains detailed test execution data in JSON format
  4. Custom Logging:

    • Implemented via ./src/core/logger/Listener.ts
    • Provides additional logging capabilities as defined in the custom reporter

To generate reports:

  1. Run tests using any of the test commands (e.g., npm run test)
  2. Reports will be automatically generated in the specified locations