
is fast and secure vpn app with unlimited bandwidth and lot of secure servers in this app when you click on select option you can see vpn server lists. In this app you can connect any country server on only one click. when you connect with any server you can see kbs speed now You can easily unblock those ego-restricted websites and gain access .Admob ads already is integrated Banner & interstitial ads in app for generate Revenue

Primary LanguageJava

HydraVPN SDK for Android

Android SDK is a part of Anchorfree Partner SDK which contains of client-side libraries and server-side applications needed to implement custom VPN infrastructure.

Versioning convention

Android SDK versioning is in format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH and should be associated with version in Jira. See convensioning rules


The Android SDK provides API containing

  • Classes and methods to authorize client users
  • Ability to connect to backend VPN service


Android min sdk version 15


In order to be able to use the SDK the following steps have to be done:

  1. Register an account at developer.anchorfree.com
  2. Create a project and use a name for your project as a Public key. Private key is optional.
  3. Use SDK with a carrierId equals to the given Public Key and baseUrl equals to URL from the project details.


To use this library you should add jitpack repository.

Add this to root build.gradle

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url "https://jitpack.io"

And then add dependencies in build.gradle of your app module. Version name is available on top of this document.

dependencies {

    compile 'com.github.AnchorFreePartner.hydra-sdk-android:sdk:{VERSION_NAME}'


In case of startVpn called on unsupported ABI you'll get AbiNotSupportedException

Proguard Rules

Proguard rules are included in sdk, but you can use these if required:

    -dontwarn okio.**
    -keep class com.anchorfree.hydrasdk.api.data.** { *; }
    -keep class com.anchorfree.hydrasdk.api.response.** { *; }
    -keep class com.anchorfree.hdr.HydraHeaderListener { *; }
    -keep class com.anchorfree.hdr.HydraConnInfo { *; }
    -keep class com.anchorfree.hdr.AFHydra { *; }
    -keepclassmembers class com.anchorfree.vpnsdk.transporthydra.HydraTransport {
         public *** protect(...);
    -dontwarn com.anchorfree.vpnsdk.transporthydra.proxyservice.*
    -keepattributes InnerClasses
    -dontwarn sun.misc.**
    -dontwarn java.lang.invoke.**
    -dontwarn okhttp3.**
    -dontwarn okio.**
    -dontwarn javax.annotation.**
    -dontwarn org.conscrypt.**
    -keepnames class okhttp3.internal.publicsuffix.PublicSuffixDatabase
    -dontnote org.xbill.DNS.spi.DNSJavaNameServiceDescriptor
    -dontwarn org.xbill.DNS.spi.DNSJavaNameServiceDescriptor
    -keep class com.northghost.ucr.UCRTracker$User { *; }
    -keep class * implements com.google.gson.TypeAdapterFactory
    -keep class * implements com.google.gson.JsonSerializer
    -keep class * implements com.google.gson.JsonDeserializer
    -keep class com.anchorfree.hydrasdk.SessionConfig { *; }
    -keep class com.anchorfree.hydrasdk.fireshield.** { *; }
    -keep class com.anchorfree.hydrasdk.dns.** { *; }
    -keep class com.anchorfree.hydrasdk.HydraSDKConfig { *; }
    -keep class com.anchorfree.hydrasdk.api.ClientInfo { *; }
    -keep class com.anchorfree.hydrasdk.vpnservice.connectivity.NotificationConfig { *; }

Set VPN process name

Add this string resource to your source file

<string name="vpn_process_name" translatable="false">:vpn</string>

Java 8

Add Java 8 support to project build.gradle

compileOptions {
    sourceCompatibility 1.8
    targetCompatibility 1.8

If you cannot enable java 8 support in your project please contact us for further details

Configure notifications

To configure sdk notification use NotificationConfig.Builder class

  • completely disable sdk notifications
NotificationConfig.Builder builder = NotificationConfig.newBuilder();
builder = builder.disabled()
  • Configure notifications for different states
builder.inConnected("Title","Message");//Notification to be displayed when vpn is connected
builder.inIdle("Title","Message");//Notification to be displayed when vpn is not connected
builder.inConnecting("Title","Message");//Notification to be displayed when vpn is connecting
builder.inPause("Title","Message");//Notification to be displayed when vpn is paused(waiting for network connection)
  • Notification message with fallback

By default sdk displays notification for state connected and inPause.

  • fallback for title

If inConnected was not called it tries to use value set with title message

If title was not called on Builder, it will use App name as in launcher

  • fallback for message

If inConnected was not called it will try to use string resource state_connected

If inPause was not called it will try to use string resource state_nonetwork

Update notification preferences

Notification config can be updated calling sdk method


Notification click intent

To configure action when user click's on notification use clickAction method. You must have Activity responds to specified action. Action will be used to create Intent. If clickAction not specified, sdk will open application launch activity on notification click.

In intent extras sdk will set boolean value HydraSdk.EXTRA_FROM_NOTIFICATION as true

Set Up

To set up sdk you should call init() method with your specific details for all process(each process has unique Application instance)

public class MyApplication extends Application {
   public void onCreate() {
   private void initHydraSDK(){
       HydraSdk.init(this, ClientInfo.newBuilder()
                     .baseUrl("http://yourvpnbackend.com") // set base url for api calls
                     .carrierId("carrier id") // set your carrier id
                     .title("Your custom vpn notification title") // notification title to display in status bar
                     .enableConnectionLost() //enabled show notification when no network connection
                             .observeNetworkChanges(false) // turn on/off handling network changes by sdk
                             .unsafeClient(false)// set true if want to use unsafe client instead
                             .captivePortal(true)//control if sdk should check if device is behind captive portal

Each Android process has unique Application instance. If you have some specific initialization in Application onCreate, and don`t want it to init on vpn process you can use:



if (!ProcessUtils.isVpnProcess(this)){
    //do your initialization stuff



Anchorfree Partner VPN Backend supports OAuth authentication with a partner's OAuth server, this is a primary authentication method.

Steps to implement OAuth:

  • Deploy and configure OAuth service. Service should be publicly available in Internet.

  • Configure Partner Backend to use OAuth service.

  • Implement client OAuth for your application

  • Retrieve access token in client app, this token will be used to initialize and sign in Android Partner

There are some auth method types:

AuthMethod.firebase(token); // should be configured when creating an app
AuthMethod.customOath(token); // specific OAuth type, should be configured when creating an app

For more AuthMethod types, see API reference.

Login implementation example:

AuthMethod authMethod = AuthMethod.firebase(token);
HydraSdk.login(authMethod, new Callback<User>() {
   public void success(User response) {
       showMessage("Logged in successfully");
   public void failure(HydraException error) {
       showMessage("Fail to login");

List available countries

HydraSdk.countries(new Callback<List<Country>>() {
                public void success(List<Country> response) {
                    for (Country country:response){

                public void failure(HydraException error) {
                    //request failed

Start VPN with optimal server

HydraSdk.startVPN(new SessionConfig.Builder()
                .build(), new Callback<ServerCredentials>() {
                public void success(@NonNull ServerCredentials serverCredentials) {
                    //VPN connected

                public void failure(@NonNull HydraException e) {
                    //Failed to connect vpn

For withVirtualLocation its possible to use HydraSdk.COUNTRY_OPTIMAL to detect optimal location automatically or use country value from HydraSdk.countries

For withReason param refer to TrackingConstants.GprReasons

Possible values:

  • M_UI - manually from ui
  • M_SYSTEM - manually from system
  • M_OTHER - manually from other place
  • A_APP_RUN - auto on app run
  • A_RECONNECT - auto on reconnect
  • A_ERROR - auto after error
  • A_SLEEP - auto after sleep
  • A_NETWORK - auto on network event
  • A_OTHER - auto on other reason

Start VPN for specified apps

final List<String> allowedApps = new LinkedList<String();
HydraSdk.startVPN(new SessionConfig.Builder()
                .build(), new Callback<ServerCredentials>() {
                public void success(@NonNull ServerCredentials serverCredentials) {
                    //VPN connected

                public void failure(@NonNull HydraException e) {
                    //Failed to connect vpn

Start VPN and deny specified apps access to it

final List<String> exteptApps = new LinkedList<String();
HydraSdk.startVPN(new SessionConfig.Builder()
                .build(), new Callback<ServerCredentials>() {
                public void success(@NonNull ServerCredentials serverCredentials) {
                    //VPN connected

                public void failure(@NonNull HydraException e) {
                    //Failed to connect vpn

Stop vpn

HydraSdk.stopVPN(TrackingConstants.GprReasons.M_UI, new CompletableCallback() {
    public void complete() {
        //VPN was stopped

    public void error(HydraException e) {
        //Failed to stop vpn

Listen for vpn status and traffic updates

 HydraSdk.addVpnListener(new VpnStateListener() {
    public void vpnStateChanged(VPNState vpnState) {
        //handle state change

    public void vpnError(VPNException e) {
        //handle vpn error
HydraSdk.addTrafficListener(new TrafficListener() {
    public void onTrafficUpdate(long tx, long rx) {
        //handle used traffic update
        //tx - bytes transfered
        //rx - bytes received

//stop listening for update

Purchases functionality

HydraSdk.purchase("json from google", new CompletableCallback() {
   public void complete() {
       //purchase request success

   public void error(HydraException e) {
        //failed to process purchase
HydraSdk.deletePurchase(purchaseID, new CompletableCallback() {
   public void complete() {
       //request success

   public void error(HydraException e) {
        //failed to process request

Get data about user

//get information about remaining traffic for user
HydraSdk.remainingTraffic(new Callback<RemainingTraffic>() {
   public void success(ApiRequest request, RemainingTraffic response) {
       //handle response

   public void failure(HydraException error) {
        //failed to send request
//get information about current logged in user
HydraSdk.currentUser(new Callback<User>() {
   public void success(ApiRequest request, User response) {
       //handle response

   public void failure(HydraException error) {
        //failed to send request

Get Current vpn state

HydraSdk.getVpnState(new Callback<VPNState>() {
   public void success(@NonNull VPNState state) {
        //handle current state

   public void failure(@NonNull HydraException e) {
        //failed to get current vpn state

Call VPN permission dialog without connecting to vpn

if (HydraSdk.requestVpnPermission(new CompletableCallback() {
    public void complete() {
        //dialog was shown and permission was granted

    public void error(HydraException e) {
        //dialog was shown and permission was NOT granted
    //will show vpn permissions dialog
    //already have vpn permissions, no need to request

Collecting Debug information before submitting sdk issue

After reproducing the issue, call HydraSdk.collectDebugInfo and attach result to your issue

HydraSdk.collectDebugInfo(context, new Callback<String>() {
    public void success(String debugInfo) {
        //attach value of debugInfo to your issue description

    public void failure(HydraException e) {


Categorization service (aka Fireshield)

Hydra SDK provides ability to categorize domains goes through VPN and perform specified action on them. To configure you need to create instance of FireshieldConfig and pass it to SessionConfig.Builder when starting vpn session

HydraSdk.startVPN(new SessionConfig.Builder()
                .build(), new Callback<ServerCredentials>() {
                public void success(@NonNull ServerCredentials serverCredentials) {
                    //VPN connected

                public void failure(@NonNull HydraException e) {
                    //Failed to connect vpn

Create fireshield config

Categorization configuration based on specification of categories and rules for categories

To create categories you can use one of factory methods

  • FireshieldCategory.Builder.vpn - will create category, with action VPN ( traffic (encrypted) goes through the tunnel as IP packets )
  • FireshieldCategory.Builder.proxy - will create category, with action proxy(traffic (encrypted) goes through the tunnel just as payload (for TCP only))
  • FireshieldCategory.Builder.bypass - will create category, with action bypass(traffic goes directly to its destination, without vpn tunnel)
  • FireshieldCategory.Builder.block - will create category, with action block(traffic gets blocked)
  • FireshieldCategory.Builder.blockAlertPage - will create category, with action block(traffic gets blocked) and redirection to Alert Page specified(works for http only)

To create category rules(which domains gets to specified category) you can use one of factory methods

  • FireshieldCategoryRule.Builder.fromAssets - create category rules from file stored in assets folder
  • FireshieldCategoryRule.Builder.fromDomains - create category rules from list of domains
  • FireshieldCategoryRule.Builder.fromFile - create category rules from file on sdcard/internal storage

To addition to category file configuration its possible to use online categorization services

Possible values defined as constants in FireshieldConfig.Services

Alert page configuration

AlertPage static method create accepts two parameters: domain and path, on categorization action user will be redirected to [https://domain/page?url=<blocked_url>]

FireshieldConfig createFireshieldConfig(){
        FireshieldConfig.Builder builder = new FireshieldConfig.Builder();
        builder.alertPage(AlertPage.create("connect.bitdefender.net", "safe_zone.html"))
        builder.addCategory(FireshieldCategory.Builder.vpn(FireshieldConfig.Categories.SAFE));//need to add safe category to allow safe traffic
        return builder.build();


All exceptions sdk can throw extends com.anchorfree.hydrasdk.exceptions.HydraException

There are couple of main derivatives of this exception

  • ApiHydraException

    Thrown in case of server api errors.

    getCode - HTTP error code

    getContent - response content

    Possible values for getContent:

    • ApiException.CODE_NOT_AUTHORIZED("NOT_AUTHORIZED") - user is not authorized. Need to call HydraSdk.login
    • ApiException.CODE_SESSIONS_EXCEED("SESSIONS_EXCEED") - Session limit is achieved in accordance with the ToS
    • ApiException.CODE_DEVICES_EXCEED("DEVICES_EXCEED") - Devices limit is achieved in accordance with the ToS
    • ApiException.CODE_OAUTH_ERROR("OAUTH_ERROR") - Returns in all cases when an authentication error occurred through OAuth-server
    • ApiException.CODE_TRAFFIC_EXCEED("TRAFFIC_EXCEED") - Ended limitation traffic activated in accordance with the terms of the license
    • ApiException.CODE_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE("SERVER_UNAVAILABLE") - Server temporary unavailable or server not found
    • ApiException.CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR("INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR") - Internal server error
    • ApiException.USER_SUSPENDED("USER_SUSPENDED") - User Suspended
    • ApiException.CODE_PARSE_EXCEPTION("PARSE_EXCEPTION") - Failed to parse server response
  • NetworkRelatedException

    Thrown in case of network problem communicating to server

  • VPNException

    Thrown when error happen in vpn

    getCode - code of error

    Possible values for getCode

    • VPNException.VPN_FD_NULL_NO_PERMISSIONS(-4) - Android fatal error. VpnService.Builder.establish returns null. Not possible to continue
    • VPNException.REVOKED(-5) - Use revoked vpn permission
    • VPNException.VPN_PERMISSION_DENIED_BY_USER(-7) - Use not granted vpn permission in dialog
    • VPNException.CANCELLED(-10) - Start was cancelled
    • VPNException.HYDRA_ERROR_START_TIMEOUT(-11) - Timeout of start
    • VPNException.HYDRA_ERROR_BROKEN(181) - VPN connection broken
    • VPNException.HYDRA_ERROR_CONNECT(182) - Hydra fails to connect to server
    • VPNException.HYDRA_DCN_BLOCKED_BW(191) - Hydra server reported traffic exceed. Connection interrupted
    • VPNException.HYDRA_DCN_BLOCKED_AUTH(196) - Hydra server reported auth failed
  • WrongStateException

    Thrown when calling startVpn or stopVpn in wrong sdk state

  • InternalException

    Thrown for any other unexpected cases. In getCause you can get original source exception

Note: In case your device is running Android 5.0 or 5.0.1 you must restart it after receiving VPN_FD_NULL_NO_PERMISSIONS. Reference: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/37011385

Sample App

You can find source code of sample app with integrated sdk on GitHub

Contact US ( For HydraVPN SDK for Android Team )

Have problems integrating the sdk or found any issue, feel free to submit bug to GitHub