a command line tool helps you to generates and/or modifies your Flutter Components.
For official documentation, please visit https://www.xflutter-cli.com
dart pub global activate xflutter_cli
If activation doesn't work, Check dart docs: Running a script from your PATH
Available commands:
1- create: Create new Flutter Application, Package or Monorepo workspace and Initialize it.
# create new app
xflutter_cli create --name=my_app --package=com.my_org
# create new package
xflutter_cli create --name=test_package --template=package
# create monorepo workspace (multiple apps with shared packages)
xflutter_cli create --name=monorepo_workspace --template=workspace
- generate: Generates and/or modifies files based on a schematic.
# generate new screen
xflutter_cli g screen --path=ui/screens/login
# generate new form
xflutter_cli g form --path=ui/screens/login
# generate @freezed model from http response or json file
xflutter_cli g model
# generate data layer (repository and retrofit rest-client) for (create, read, update and delete) APIs
xflutter_cli g remote
# generate offline data layer (repository and objectbox data-source) for (create, read, update and delete) APIs
xflutter_cli g offline
# generate infinite-paging-scroll controller with widgets
xflutter_cli g paging
# generate --help
xflutter_cli g --help
- make: generates new module depending on xflutter-cli commands.
# generate login, register, forget-password and reset-password screens with network-layer
xflutter_cli make auth --auth-type=credentials
# generate login with phone and verify-otp screens with network-layer
xflutter_cli make auth --auth-type=phone
# generate data-layer and ui-layer from json
xflutter_cli make crud
- graph: generate workspace graph to display applications and packages relations
xflutter_cli graph
- git: manage git repository with automatic configurations like formatting, commit type before push
xflutter_cli git
- init: Initialize your project with necessary packages and reusable files.
xflutter_cli initialize
- help: browse all available commands, options and flags.
xflutter_cli --help
(screen): generate screen with state management, responsive and routing configuration.
(form): generate form inside your screen widgets with inputs such as (email, password) with state management.
(model): generate @freezed models from http response or json file.
(remote): generate remote data layer for (create, read, update and delete) APIs for specific data model.
(offline): generate local-database layer for specific data model.
(paging): generate paging data-source layer to by generating infinite pagination widgets and link them with generated CRUD.
(mobile): used with (generate screen), give you the ability to wrap tablet and mobile layouts in your screen (only mobile screen will be generated).
(tablet): used with (generate screen), give you the ability to wrap tablet and mobile layouts in your screen (generate mobile and tablet screens).
(state-management): used with (generate screen), state-holder (viewModel) with dependency injection to manage variables between screen and children widgets.
(theme): used with (generate screen), initialize your global app theme.
(router): used with (generate screen), give you ability to manage navigation between screens, initialize (auto_route) package and wrap the generated screen in app routes.