Problem Statement

Consider a store where each item has a price per unit, and may also have a volume price. For example, apples may be $1.00 each or 4 for $3.00.

Implement a point-of-sale scanning API that accepts an arbitrary ordering of products (similar to what would happen at a checkout line) and then returns the correct total price for an entire shopping cart based on the per unit prices or the volume prices as applicable.

Here are the products listed by code and the prices to use (there is no sales tax):

Product Code | Price
A           | $1.25 each or 3 for $3.00
B           | $4.25
C           | $1.00 or $5 for a six pack
D           | $0.75

There should be a top level point of sale terminal service object that looks something like the pseudo-code below. You are free to design and implement the rest of the code however you wish, including how you specify the prices in the system:

PointOfSaleTerminal terminal = new PointOfSaleTerminal();
... etc.
BigDecimal result = terminal.calculateTotal();

Test Cases

Here are the minimal inputs you should use for your test cases. These test cases must be shown to work in your program:

  • Scan these items in this order: ABCDABA; Verify the total price is $13.25.
  • Scan these items in this order: CCCCCCC; Verify the total price is $6.00.
  • Scan these items in this order: ABCD; Verify the total price is $7.25.

A very simple solution to a sample problem Requirements: jdk 1.7 maven - Make sure maven is setup to use java version 1.7 (check with mvn -v) junit - Test framework

Solution: Path: ./src/main/java Two different solutions to the problem. They are both a little kludgy in my opinion

Version 1: A very procedural solution to the problem in a single file that is not very flexible. It was primarily used to verify logic (prototype), may have more bugs that version 2 ;)

Version 2: 
        - An interface as described in the problem 
        - A simple "controller" like implementation of the PointOfSaleTerminal interface
          User input checking is performed and appropriate calls to other classes are made
        - Various exception classes used 

    - Classes for modeling Orders, LineItems, Prices, and Products 
    - Very stripped down "services" that do the actual work


Path: ./src/test/java 
    - A junit test suite that runs all the tests
    - A few junit test cases, mostly for corner/exception testing
    - A simple parameterized junit test that checks a few data sets against both
    KissPointOfSaleTerminal and SimplePointOfSaleTerminal

Command line testing cleaning: mvn clean

compiling: mvn compile

testing: mvn test

all-in-one: mvn clean compile test

Test results will be output to: ./target/surefire-reports