
Primary LanguagePython



is to fetch git hub alerts of each repository and update the Geckoboard dataset for each team with repository of their intereste


  • filter out archived repository
  • classify the repository with write access for each team as repository of interest
  • get github vulnerability alters count for each repository
  • create dataset for each team on gecko board, which can be used to create the dashboard

Environment Varibales

    "ALLOWED_HOSTS": "*",
    "DEBUG": "False",
    "ORG_REPORT_EMAILS": "email1@domain.com,email2@anotherdomain.com",
    "GITHUB_API_URL": "https://api.github.com/graphql",
    "SKIP_TOPIC": "skip-vulnerability-scan"


Update vulnerability db

$python manage.py run_update

Push updates to Geckoboard

$python manage.py run_report

Update vulnerability db and, push updates to Geckoboard

$python manage.py run_update_and_report

Send report to ORG_REPORT_EMAILS specified in environment variables

$python manage.py email_report

Send report to team admins, as specefied in github team table

$python manage.py email_teamAdmin


  • Enable Graph dependency in github
  • Enable Aleters in github


  • **Overview board: ** showing top 20
  • '++' after team name indicates there are more than one team associated with repository
  • A seperate board for each team(basedon github teams)
  • **Skip scan: ** if topic 'skip-vulnerability-scan' is found on repo, it will skip running vulnerability scan and displaying it on board
  • send consolidated report of all the vulnurable repository in github organisation to team(such as security team) specified in ORG_REPORT_EMAILS
  • send team specific reports to team admin, as specified in githubteam table(This needs to be done manually by member of WebOps at the moment).