Caffe Con Troll v. 0.1

This is an Alpha release of CaffeConTroll. Feedback is welcome!

See our paper which will be presented at the 2015 SIGMOD workshop on Data Analytics at Scale (DanaC)


Caffe con Troll (CcT) is a clone of the uber popular Caffe framework for Deep Learning. CcT is intended to be compatible with Caffe. We're academics, which means that CcT is built for a research purpose: to explore the relative efficiency of GPUs and CPUs for Deep Learning.

Why Study CPU versus GPU? Well, there is an ongoing debate about this with lots of passion on both sides! GPU's are wildly popular with some companies that are rumored to be installing purpose-built infrastructures for deep learning; other companies have opted to use CPUs and claimed they are cheaper and more efficient. For users outside the web companies, the situation is different: some cloud providers don't have GPUs or their GPUs are not as rapidly updated as their CPUs. In the lab, GPUs can be expensive to obtain. In contrast, academic labs like ours have CPUs lying around for other purposes, so we were curious about how much throughput we could get from CPUs for Deep Learning. CcT is our first attempt. Our initial results suggest that our CPU code is almost an order of magnitude more efficient than Caffe's CPU code. In particular, two 8 core Haswells deliver roughly 80% of the throughput of a highest end GPU (NVidia's Titan). At current consumer prices, this implies that, chip-to-chip, the CPU solution costs almost 20% less than a GPU for the same throughput. These numbers are incredibly rough but are fun to think about (and troll our friends with!) Our GPU code is also slightly faster than Caffe, see our benchmark page. The GPU speedup is mostly for non-fundamental reasons.

New Techniques In the initial version of CcT, CcT's algorithms are identical to Caffe from a statistical point of view. However, CcT uses new lowering techniques to speed up convolutions and other layers inspired by join processing in relational databases. As everyone agrees, understanding the relational join is the key to understanding the universe. Yes, that's just more trolling. In the near future, we plan to extend CcT in a few directions:

  • Play with our Hogwild! ideas that are used in some of deep learning frameworks.

  • Explore the trade-off space described in our DimmWitted paper in the context of Deep Learning. In particular, we plan to use this framework to study the trade off between statistical efficiency (roughly, the number of steps an algorithm take to converge) and hardware efficiency (roughly, the efficiency of each of those steps).

  • Scale CcT to more than one machine. There are a host of challenges to cope with networking issues, delays, and maybe even faults.

  • Integrate CcT with DeepDive to hopefully make it easier to build models and use them in applications.

Of course, if you have feedback or challenge problems, let us know!

Getting Started AMI

Probably the easiest way to try CcT is via a VM. These are publicly available on AWS and (coming soon!) Azure.

g2.2xlarge: (CCT-0.1-1GPU) ami-00b5ae68

  • Reproduces figure 3a in the paper

c4.4xlarge: (CCT-0.1-CPU) ami-58b1aa30

  • Reproduces figure 3b in the paper

g2.8xlarge: (CCT-0.1-4GPU) ami-c75db8ac

  • The recently announced EC2 instance with 4 GPUs

Instructions for each AMI are listed in the file


For example, consider the g2.8xlarge AMI, which can be used to run AlexNet on 4 GPUs. Once the AMI is opened, look at AMI_INSTRUCTIONS.txt:

Follow these instructions to load the correct libraries and change to the CaffeConTroll root directory.

Once that is done, run AlexNet on 1 GPU:

./caffe-ct train tests/imagenet_train/solver/alexnet_solver_1GPU.prototxt -b tests/imgnet_toprocess.bin -o tests/model.bin

Argument description:

  • Run the net in "train" mode and specify the path to the solver
  • Pass -b (optional) which tells CCT where to write the preprocessed data binary
  • Pass -o (optional) which tells CCT where to write the output model binary

Notice that a forwards + backwards iteration, including gradient updates, takes 2.75s.

Next, run with 1 GPU as well as the CPU. The command is the same, except for a different prototxt file which specifies that the CPU should also be used:

./caffe-ct train tests/imagenet_train/solver/alexnet_solver_1GPU_CPU.prototxt -b tests/imgnet_toprocess.bin -o tests/model.bin

Finally, run with 4 GPUs. Once again the command is the same, except for a different prototxt file which specifies that 4 GPUs should be used:

./caffe-ct train tests/imagenet_train/solver/alexnet_solver_4GPU.prototxt -b tests/imgnet_toprocess.bin -o tests/model.bin

Notice a > 3x speedup on the current AMI compared to 1 GPU. A speedup of 4x on this 4 GPU instance will be available following the completion of the model update portion of the distributed CCT project.

Installation from Source

We cloned Caffe, so we follow nearly identical install instructions. Start with their instructions! NB: the .travis.yml should always contain a working build script for Ubuntu, if you are confused about dependencies.

  • Step 1. Install the packages listed at the Caffe link.

  • Step 2. Clone our repository

git clone

  • Step 3. Copy config.sample to .config and edit .config to contain your paths.

  • Step 4. Build the executable caffe-ct

make clean && make -j all

  • Step 5. (Optional) If you want tests, you need to install Google's testing infrastructure, glog and gtest, as with Caffe. Then, make the test file.

make test && ./test

It's good on a laptop, on a server, or for a snack. It is unclear whether CcT can smell the blood of christian men.

Partitioning Data for Multiple GPUs

Currently CcT allows users to specify the proportion of a layer to run on the GPU using the prototxt attributes:


Currently we have attributes for only the first 4 GPUs on the node (as this is most common for a single node) although CcT can support more than 4.

For example, to run the first convolutional layer of AlexNet on 1 GPU, we add one line to the layer description:

layers {
  name: "conv1"
  bottom: "data"
  top: "conv1"
  convolution_param {
  gpu_0_batch_proportion: 1.0                # New line added

To run on 4 GPUs, partitioning a mini-batch across all 4 GPUs equally,

layers {
  name: "conv1"
  bottom: "data"
  top: "conv1"
  convolution_param {
  gpu_0_batch_proportion: 0.25
  gpu_1_batch_proportion: 0.25
  gpu_2_batch_proportion: 0.25
  gpu_3_batch_proportion: 0.25

The partitions do not need to be equal. To run 40% on the CPU and 60% on GPU 2,

layers {
  name: "conv1"
  bottom: "data"
  top: "conv1"
  convolution_param {
  gpu_2_batch_proportion: 0.6

The default is to run on the CPU, i.e. no modification to the .prototxt file is needed to run the network on the CPU.

For more examples, see the prototxt files in tests/imagenet_train/train_val/

Known Issues

  • If you encounter the OpenBLAS error "Program is Terminated. Because you tried to allocate too many memory regions" then follow the instructions here to rebuild OpenBLAS with more threads. You can also use other libraries, for example BLAS and LAPACK are built-in to OS X (see Caffe install instructions).


Send flames to Chris, questions to the current team, Stefan Hadjis, Ce Zhang, and Chris, and praise to past members who built CcT, Firas Abuzaid and Shubham Gupta.