
This repository is being used in this YouTube video to teach about paginations.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This application will show a list of articles to the user.

Installing the dependencies

In the root directory run:

npm run add

How to run the app

You can start the app by running this command from the root directory:

npm start

after running it you will be prompted to specify what kind of database you want to use. You have 3 options, the MongoDB, MySQL or no database at all. So choose one of them.

You also might want to add some data into the database that you want to use. You can either do that manually or just run the seed.js file by running this command from the root directory:

npm run seed

Then you will be prompted to choose what database you want the seed data to be saved in. You have these options: MySQL, MongoDB and no database. If you choose no database the data will be saved in this file: ./server/database/data.json. If you want to choose MongoDB, make sure that you have the mongo server running on you machine. And if you want to use the MySQL database make sure that you have the server running and also you need to create a new DB called node-paginate (see server/config/dev.js file).

Front-end logic

The front-end is written in vanilla javascript(es6) and css. No framework and library has been used in the front-end. We just have webpack which just bundles all the code into a file in the public folder.

To change the javascript front-end code you need to first start the webpack to be able to apply and see the change. To do so from the client-js folder run:

npm run start

Also to get a production build run this command from the same directory:

npm run build

Other useful commands

Other commands that can be ran from the root directory:

npm run dev:node

It will start nodejs with nodemon, BEFORE you run this make sure to pass the right database name in the package.json file for the npm run dev:node command.

npm run dev

This command will start both the nodejs server and the webpack in one terminal tab.

This is the repository that's being used for teaching how to build a pagination system in this video. To view the final solution checkout to this branch: solution-final. To view the react solution checkout to this branch: react-solution.