Simple Java Server Faces (JSF) validation web application

Problem statement

  • Create a simple web application to display and validate a form with the following structure.
  • On successful completion of all fields, show a simple submission page. No actual processing of the form required.
  • Use JSF 2.0 components.
  • Implement a custom validator for the street address 1 validation and the age check.
  • Validate each field using the JSF validators as the field loses focus.
  • Treat the 3 inputs for phone as one field.

Form Structure

(a) Name:
(a)   First           Letters only
(a)   Last            Letters only
(a) Date of birth
      [See DOB rules]
(a) Residential Address:
(a)   Street Address 1    Numbers and letters. No PO Box.
(a)   Street Address 2    Numbers and letters. No PO Box.
(b) Mail to Residential address:
      Yes or No   [See MailTo rules]
(b) Mailing Address
(b)   Street Address 1  [ Numbers and letters only]
(b)   Street Address 2  [ Numbers and letters only]
(c) Primary Phone
(c)   Type Area Code Phone Number [See phone rules]
(a) Submit Button

Validation Rules:

DOB rules:

Date format is dd/mm/yyyy
Age at form submission must be 16 or greater.

MailTo rules:

The mailing address fields are initially hidden. 
If the user selects No for the Mail to Residential Address field, then show the mailing address fields.

Phone Rules:

- Type is one of Home, Work or Mobile
- Area code is one of 02, 03, 07 or 08. Area code is not displayed for mobile phone numbers.
- Phone accepts 8 digits for home or work number or 10 digits for mobile.
- Type defaults to Home for primary phone and mobile for alternate.


Build project and import into Eclipse

$mvn clean package

Then import to your favourite IDE (mined is Eclipse)

$mvn eclipse:eclipse 

then from Eclipse, File->Import

Build and deploy using Maven to Apache Tomcat

To actually run it just use the supplied script
mvn clean package
# NOTE: edit this to suite your deployment environment
export DEPLOYMENT_DIR=~/Apps/apache-tomcat-7/webapps
cp target/jsf-validation-example.war $DEPLOYMENT_DIR  


Burin Choomnuan