
MIT licensed Build Status codecov


The goal of this project is to help you generate checksum for your java migration using flyway.

There is a file checksum stored in the schema_version table, but only for the .sql

You have to provide your own checksum for java files.

This plugin scans the db/migration folder looking for java migrations, and for each one, compute an md5sum and add it to the JavaMigrationChecksums enum


Simply put this in your pom


This will generate a file ${}/generated-sources/io/github/agileek/flywayJavaMigrationChecksums and you can use it in your java migrations

In your migration class, implement MigrationChecksumProvider then

    public Integer getChecksum() {
        return JavaMigrationChecksums.valueOf(getClass().getSimpleName()).getChecksum();


The parameters are:

  • location
    • defaultValue = "/db/migration"
  • locations
    • defaultValue = "/db/migration"
  • outputDirectory
    • defaultValue = "${}/generated-sources"