Aqua is a highly flexible, extensible php MVC framework for modular development. It also support developing ReSTful api in a intuitive way!

Primary LanguagePHP


For more info and demo project please visit http://www.phpaqua.com

| FLEXIBLE				 |

Run many domains using your VPS, Shared or Dedi in unified aqua structure
Share resources accross site
Deploy your app on multiple hosts like localhost, staging, production etc which is dynamically resolved.

Organized your views or assets in folders named according to supported locales! Aqua will search first current locale, followed by default locale and without localized resource.
Additionally, translation arrays can be used with function like _t();

Organize your projects in Zones and Applets.
A Zone has its own controller, views, models, applet etc! Not only these, a Zone can have child zones as well!
Applets are independent component with one controller but as one or many views along with its own asset directory!

Aqua executes controllers in a cascading intuitive manner!
It loads layout, views, applets or even asssets assets considering current locale and zone.
Organize your resources and classes in easy to maintainable way!

Aqua exposes various site events like willExecuteURL, didExecuteURL, willCallControllerMethod, didCallControllerMethod etc
A site may have many delegates as required and site behaviors can be regulated using delegates without writing controller code!

add output formatters to your site if you like to make some templating engine!
A site can have as many output formatters as required.

Handle any error or exception using exception handler!
Exception handlers also can be output formatter!

Third party libraries are as easy to integrate as pasting in a class folder!
Even same for bigger libraries like Doctrine, just paste the Doctrine directory in any of the class folder!
You can organize your classes in namespaces as you like and again all these can be shared among sites or zones or can be made only availble to certain zone.

| RESTful				 |

Well, its not fully confront to the REST spec of Dr. Roy T. Fielding's(http://roy.gbiv.com/)
but still practical RESTful api can be developed using simple and intuitive callbacks.

Here is a URL:
GET http://mysite.com/api/v2/item/2.json

Define "api" as a REST zone with available versions say, v1 and v2.
Then it will call -- item::get_item_json(2);

where item is the controller found in api/controllers/v2/item.php

similarly some other callbacks can be:
GET http://mysite.com/api/v2/item.json => $itemObj->get_item_all_json();
GET http://mysite.com/api/v2/item/2/order/4.json => $itemObj->get_item_order_json( 2, 4);
POST http://mysite.com/api/v2/item/2 => $itemObj->post_item( 2 );

For more info and demo project please visit http://www.phpaqua.com