
Swift wrapper for Charles Proxy Web Interface and Session processing/filtering

Primary LanguageSwift

Swift Charles Proxy


let agent = CharlesProxyAgent() // base url will be default : http://control.charles
let agent = CharlesProxyAgent(baseURL: "your own base url for charles web interface")

Basic Charles Control

Start Recording

let agent = CharlesProxyAgent()

Stop Recording

let agent = CharlesProxyAgent()

Clear Session

let agent = CharlesProxyAgent()

Download Recording : Practical example

let agent = CharlesProxyAgent()
		agent.clearSession().then {
				let url = URL(string: "http://www.example.com")
				let mutableRequest = NSMutableURLRequest(url: url!)
				mutableRequest.addValue("world", forHTTPHeaderField: "hello")
				let task =  URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: mutableRequest as URLRequest, completionHandler: { (data, response, error) in
						agent.stopRecord().then {
							agent.downloadSession { session in
                let entries =  session?.filter(RequestHeaderFilter(header: ["hello":"world"]))

Processing/Filtering Session

BaseURLFilter: Get session entries matching base url/s

If scheme e.g. https:// or http:// is not present, it will match scheme independent matching

let agent = CharlesProxyAgent()
agent.downloadSession { session in
  let entries = session?.filter(BaseURLFilter(urls: ["www.example.com", "www.twitter.com", "https://www.google.com"]))

RequestHeaderFilter: Get session entries matching header

let agent = CharlesProxyAgent()
agent.downloadSession { session in
  let entries =  session?.filter(RequestHeaderFilter(header: ["hello":"world"])) // entries with request with this header value  

QueryFilter: Get session entries matching particular queries

let agent = CharlesProxyAgent()
agent.downloadSession { session in
  let entries = session?.filter(QueryFilter(query: ["hello":"world"]))

ResponseHeaderFilter: Get session entries matching particular queries

let agent = CharlesProxyAgent()
agent.downloadSession { session in
  let entries = session?.filter(ResponseHeaderFilter(header: ["Vary":"Accept-Encoding"]))

Create Your Own Entry Filter

// implement EntryFilter protocol
public struct MyFilter: EntryFilter {
public func matches(_ entry: Entry) -> Bool {
  if(/*do something with entry*/ true)
		return true
  return false