
Curd Practical Using Django and Django REST

Python Django DjangoREST SQLite PEP8

This is a simple CURD operations Project, made using Django and Django REST, Can be used as web as well as API Way.

Installing the Packages from the Ubuntu Repositories

  • To begin the process, we’ll download and install all of the items we need from the Ubuntu repositories. We will use the Python package manager pip to install additional components a bit later.

  • We need to update the local apt package index and then download and install the packages. The packages we install depend on which version of Python your project will use.

    $ sudo apt update
    $ sudo apt install python3-pip python3-dev libpq-dev 

Setting Up and Running Project

  • For the sake of simplicity SQLite Database is used.
  • Take clone from the project Repo.
  • Open Terminal at Project base directory, that would be directory where is located.
  • Create a Virtual Environment using command python3 -m venv venv(your_desired_enviroment_name)
  • Install required packages using command pip install -r requirements.txt
  • The Repo already has a SQLite Database file with One SuperUser Created. You can use that DB or Create a new one for yourself.
  • To Run Project use command python runserver
  • If you Don't get any errors, you have successfully run project, goto browser and type localhost:8000 you should see the project.

Setting Up and Running Project Using Docker For X86 Architecture System (Linux, Windows, etc)(Intel/AMD Based Processors)

  • Install Docker on your system
  • Take Project build pull from Docker Hub using Command : docker pull shubhamdevgan/curd_demo:x86_64_arch
  • Run Docker Image using Command : docker run -p 8000:8000 shubhamdevgan/curd_demo:x86_64_arch
  • If you Don't get any errors, you have successfully run project, goto browser and type localhost:8000 you should see the project.

Setting Up and Running Project Using Docker For ARM Architecture System (Apple M1 Processor based systems or Other arm64/v8 Processors)

  • Install Docker on your system
  • Take Project build pull from Docker Hub using Command : docker pull shubhamdevgan/curd_demo:arm_arch
  • Run Docker Image using Command : docker run -p 8000:8000 shubhamdevgan/curd_demo:arm_arch
  • If you Don't get any errors, you have successfully run project, goto browser and type localhost:8000 you should see the project.

Scalling the Project

  • Project can be scalled using Multi-Container Architecture using Docker Container by Using and Container orchestration technology such as Kubernetes, AWS EKS, AWS ECS