
Gophercar FPV

Gophercar is a DIY platform for self-driving miniature cars like Donkeycar (, but is written in the Go programming language. The idea is to make Gophercar able to run on any of the supported Donkeycar cars/hardware without any modification.

How it works


Car and Controller Hardware

  • Hobby King Rattler (ESC + rf radio)
  • Beagleboard Blue
  • Logitech C270 web camera
  • NO PCA9685 I2C servo driver (included in Donkeycar kit)
  • no SSD1306 I2C OLED display (optional)
  • no MPU6050 I2C Accelerometer/Gyroscope (optional)

Car OS Software

The following needs to be installed on a bootable SD card for the BBlue:

The following OS features must be enabled:

  • I2C
  • Camera

You will also need to update the kernel on the Raspbian Pi to v4.14+

sudo rpi-update

Current workflow

  • Edit your car in a sub-directory of the cars directory.
  • To transfer your code to the car, compile it on the car, and then run it: ./ hello

This copies the code to the BBlue, compiles it on the BBlue, and then executes it.

Future workflow

  • Install the Gophercar Docker container to cross-compiling for Raspian easier, due to using binary libaries such as OpenCV/GoCV
  • Compile the code to run on your car
  • Copy the compiled executable to your car's controller using scp
  • Execute the car code on the car controller
  • Drive!


The cars directory will contain various car controller programs. Choose one to compile and put on your car controller.

Gophercon 2018