
Open Charge Point Protocol client

Primary LanguageScala

Open Charge Point Protocol for Scala Build Status

The Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) is a network protocol for communication between electric vehicle chargers and a central backoffice system. It is developed by the Open Charge Alliance (OCA). You can find more details on the official website of the OCA


  • CentralSystemService.wsdl generated scala beans
  • ChargePointService.wsdl generated scala beans
  • CentralSystemClient for both 1.2 and 1.5 versions
  • Helper methods to work with ocpp
  • OCPP 1.2
  • OCPP 1.5
  • Spray based service to handle OCPP requests
  • Functionality to parse and create OCPP JSON messages
  • A high-level interface for an OCPP 1.5-JSON client


  1. Add this repository to your pom.xml:

        <name>The New Motion Repository</name>
  2. Add dependency to your pom.xml:

    OCPP 1.2


    OCPP 1.5


    Spray OCPP


    OCPP 1.5-JSON



There is an example OCPP 1.5-JSON client application in ocpp-json/src/test/scala/com/thenewmotion/example, reproduced here for your convenience:

package com.thenewmotion.example

import java.net.URI
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.slf4j.Logging
import com.thenewmotion.ocpp.messages._
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import com.thenewmotion.ocpp.json.{OcppError, PayloadErrorCode, OcppException, OcppJsonClient}

object JsonClientTestApp extends App {
  val connection = new OcppJsonClient("Test Charger", new URI("http://localhost:8080/ocppws")) with Logging {

    def onRequest(req: ChargePointReq): Future[ChargePointRes] = Future {
      req match {
        case GetLocalListVersionReq =>
        case _ =>
          throw OcppException(PayloadErrorCode.NotSupported, "Demo app doesn't support that")

    def onError(err: OcppError) = logger.warn(s"OCPP error: ${err.error} ${err.description}")

    def onDisconnect = logger.warn("WebSocket disconnect")

    chargePointVendor = "The New Motion",
    chargePointModel = "Lolo 47.6",
    chargePointSerialNumber = Some("123456"),
    chargeBoxSerialNumber = None,
    firmwareVersion = None,
    iccid = None,
    imsi = None,
    meterType = None,
    meterSerialNumber = None))




Most of the example messages in the ocpp-json unit tests were taken from GIR ocppjs