
CakePHP 3.0 application template, simple backend included

Primary LanguagePHP

CakePHP Application Skeleton

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A skeleton for creating applications with CakePHP 3.x.

The framework source code can be found here: cakephp/cakephp.


  1. Authenticate, Authorize
  2. Backend ready
  3. Simple shells => Power tool
  4. New CRUD bake template
  5. Send bulk email
  6. Backup database job
  7. Store Settings in database
  8. Improve pages peed: .htaccess, minify html, cdn, cache
  9. Integrated file manager, tinymce
  10. Prevent brute force attack
  11. Remember/Auto login
  12. Compress whole project to deploy.tar.gz file to ship in one click (deploy/compress.sh)
  13. Provide VERY SIMPLE script to set up nginx (script link)

Support my passion paypal

Create project

  1. Download Composer or update composer self-update.
  2. Run php composer.phar create-project --prefer-dist crabstudio/app [app_name].

If Composer is installed globally, run

composer create-project --prefer-dist crabstudio/app [app_name]


Initial new application

  1. Setup Datasource in config/app.php
  2. Run and follow the command: bin/cake install
  3. Application ready to use.


Incase you want to wipe and reinstall application

  1. Run and follow the command: bin/cake refactory
  2. Application ready to use.

Available shell commands

	bin/cake install			: install default database
	bin/cake refactory			: wipe existing database then install factory database
	bin/cake users				: insert administrator
	bin/cake roles				: insert 3 default roles [admin, manager, member]
	bin/cake settings			: insert default settings
	bin/cake scheduler 			: run task, let's create crontab schedule [scroll down to Crontab schedule]


If you want to build an url point to your Controller, build it in the controller and set to the view

// Router

$routes->connect('/verify/:token/:email', [
	'controller' => 'Coupons',
	'action' => 'verify'
], [
	'token' => '[a-z0-9]+',
	'email' => '^[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@([A-Za-z0-9-]+\.)+([A-Za-z0-9]{2,4}|museum)$',
	'pass' => [

// Build url

use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
use Cake\Routing\Router;

			'user' => 'Anh Tuan',
			'variable_url' => Router::url([
				'controller' => 'Coupons',
				'action' => 'verify',
				'_full' => true
		], [
	        'subject' => __('Issue the coupon'),
	        'template' => 'Coupon/issue',
	        'format' => 'html',
	        'layout' => 'default'

// Email view (src/Template/Email/html/Coupon/issue.ctp)

<?= __('Hi {0},', $user)?>
<?= $this->Html->link(__('Verify'), $url)?>


You can use bake to generate CRUD code, then you're ready to use.

bin/cake bake all Posts --prefix admin

Template theme



Add menu to the backend

Edit src/Template/Element/Admin/navbar_side.ctp to add more menu

Included Plugins





Backend Template:

This skeleton use Flat Admin v2 as new bake template

You just do bake code, you're good to go.

Crontab schedule:

Open crontab crontab -e then add cronjob:

*/5 * * * * cd /path/to/app && bin/cake Scheduler

Compress project to ship

Go to deploy folder then double click on compress.sh

Set up nginx Web server

I recommend you to use nginx server.

Use this simple script to set up optimized nginx on ubuntu in 4 simple steps.



Login page

Lost password


Maintenance mode

File Manager

Setting member

Change password

Task schedule




