
CakePHP 3.x EmailQueue allow you to send bulk email.

Primary LanguagePHP

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EmailQueue plugin for CakePHP 3


This plugin base on Lorenzo cakephp-email-queue but with little bit different:

- Sent to `one|multiple` people
- CC to `none|one|multiple` people
- BCC to `none|one|multiple` people
- Included helpers `Html, Text, Number`


You can install this plugin into your CakePHP application using composer.

The recommended way to install composer packages is:

composer require crabstudio/email-queue

Then load this plugin by type in your command line:

bin/cake plugin load EmailEnqueue --bootstrap

or paste this line to the end of config/bootstrap.php

Plugin::load('EmailQueue', ['bootstrap' => true]);

Create required table

2 way to do it

Use Migration tool

bin/cake migrations migrate --plugin EmailQueue

Load sql file into your database

sql file located at: config/schema/email_queue.sql


Call enqueue function anywhere you want to store new email in the queue.

 * Stores a new email message in the queue.
 * @param mixed|array $to           email or array of emails as recipients
 * @param array $data    associative array of variables to be passed to the email template
 * @param array $options list of options for email sending.
 * $options Possible keys:
 * - subject : Email's subject
 * - send_at : date time sting representing the time this email should be sent at (in UTC)
 * - template :  the name of the element to use as template for the email message
 * - layout : the name of the layout to be used to wrap email message
 * - format: Type of template to use (html, text or both)
 * - config : the name of the email config to be used for sending
 * @param null|mixed|array $cc           null or email or array of emails as cc
 * @param null|mixed|array $bcc          null or email or array of emails as bcc
 * @param null|mixed|array $reply_to     null or email or array of emails as reply_to
 * @return bool
enqueue($to, array $data, array $options = [], $cc = null, $bcc = null, $reply_to = null)


// In src/PostsController.php

public function send_email($id) {
	$post = $this->Posts->get($id);
	$result = enqueue(
			'post' => $post,
			'request' => $this->request
			'subject' => __('New post notification'),
			'format' => 'html',
			'template' => 'Post/new_post_notification',  //template located here src/Template/Email/html/Post/new_post_notification.ctp
			'layout' => 'notification' //layout located here src/Template/Layout/Email/html/notification.ctp
			'config' => 'default',

	if ($result) {
		$this->Flash->success(__('Enqueue email ok'));
	} else {
		$this->Flash->error(__('Enqueue email not ok'));

Schedule task


Open crontab then setup cronjob like this:

*       *       *       *       *       cd /var/www/your_project && bin/cake EmailQueue.sender


Open Task Scheduler then follow this tutorial