
Example applications built using Ember.js or Ember Data.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


These examples are largely out of date and should no longer be considered examples of Ember best practices.

Ember.js Examples

These apps are designed to illustrate features and best practices of Ember.js.


As required by law, our JavaScript MVC framework includes an implementation of a todos app. This version was inspired by Jérôme Gravel-Niquet's Backbone todos sample.

If you'd like to compare and contrast JavaScript frameworks, we suggest you visit Addy Osmani's TodoMVC project. We think the Ember.js version excels in its simplicity, brevity, and focus on the task at hand--not routine boilerplate.

Simple Bindings

This simple example illustrates how Handlebars templates update live in response to user entry. You'll note that, despite being totally interactive, we haven't actually written any procedural code. Instead, we describe our model, then, using Handlebars, describe what HTML should be displayed depending on its current state. With Ember.js, you can display sophisticated views using Handlebars—and never have to write the code that makes sure they stay up-to-date when the model changes.


Designed to illustrate a real-world application, this contact manager displays a list of contacts sorted by name. To edit a contact, select it from the list, then double-click on either the first or last name on the right. A dynamic text field appears that allows you to change the contact's name. Note that as you type, the list on the left automatically updates with the new value.

This example also illustrates how to create a user interface for editing an array that dynamically changes size. After selecting a contact, click the "Add Phone Number" or red delete buttons to see it in action.

To see how an Ember.js application might load records from the server, switch to the contacts directory in your terminal and run node server.js. Then, visit http://localhost:3000. At application initialization, the data will be retrieved from contacts.json instead of being generated from fixtures.

(Note that at this time, data entered in the web interface is not saved back to the server. Pull requests that update this app to use Ember Data are welcome.)