
Load modules on demand (lazy load) in AngularJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Load modules on demand (lazy load) in AngularJS

Key features

  • Dependencies are automatically loaded
  • Debugger like (no eval code)
  • The ability to mix normal boot and load on demand
  • Load via the service or the directive
  • Use the embedded async loader or use your own (requireJS, ...)
  • Load js (angular or not) / css / templates files
  • Compatible with AngularJS 1.2.x and 1.3.x


  • Put ocLazyLoad.js into you project

  • Add the module oc.lazyLoad to your application

  • Load on demand: With $ocLazyLoad you can load angular modules, but if you want to load controllers / services / filters / ... without defining a new module it's entirely possible, just use the name an existing module (your app name for example). There are multiple ways to use $ocLazyLoad to load your files, just choose the one that fits you the best.


You can include $ocLazyLoad and use the function load which returns a promise. It supports single dependency (object) or multiple dependencies (array of objects).

Load a single module with one file:

	name: 'TestModule',
	files: ['testModule.js']

Load a single module with multiple files:

	name: 'TestModule',
	files: ['testModule.js', 'testModuleCtrl.js', 'testModuleService.js']

Load multiple modules with one or more files:

	name: 'TestModule',
	files: ['testModule.js', 'testModuleCtrl.js', 'testModuleService.js']
    name: 'AnotherModule',
    files: ['anotherModule.js']

You can also load external libs (not angular):

	name: 'TestModule',
	files: ['testModule.js', 'bower_components/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js']
    name: 'AnotherModule',
    files: ['anotherModule.js']

If you don't load angular files at all, you don't need to define the module name:

	files: ['bower_components/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js']

In fact, if you don't load an angular module, why bother with an object having a single files property ? You can just pass the urls. Single file:


You can also load css and template files:


If you want to load templates, the template file should be an html (or htm) file with regular script templates. It looks like this:

<script type="text/ng-template" id="/tpl.html">
  Content of the template.

You can put more than one template script in your template file, just make sure to use different ids:

<script type="text/ng-template" id="/tpl1.html">
  Content of the first template.

<script type="text/ng-template" id="/tpl2.html">
  Content of the second template.

There is two ways to define config options for the load function. You can use a second optional parameter that will define configs for all the modules that you will load, or you can define optional parameters to each module. For example, those are equivalents:

	name: 'TestModule',
	files: ['testModule.js', 'bower_components/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js'],
	cache: false
    name: 'AnotherModule',
    files: ['anotherModule.js']
    cache: false


	name: 'TestModule',
	files: ['testModule.js', 'bower_components/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js']
    name: 'AnotherModule',
    files: ['anotherModule.js']
{cache: false});

If you load a template with the native template loader, you can use any parameter from the $http service (check: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$http#usage).

	['partials/template1.html', 'partials/template2.html'],
	{cache: false, timeout: 5000}

The existing parameters that you can use are cache and reconfig. The parameter cache: false works for all native loaders (all requests are cached by default):

	name: 'TestModule',
	cache: false,
	files: ['testModule.js', 'bower_components/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js']

By default, if you reload a module, the config block won't be invoked again (because often it will lead to unexpected results). But if you really need to execute the config function again, use the parameter reconfig: true:

	name: 'TestModule',
	reconfig: true,
	files: ['testModule.js', 'bower_components/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js']


The directive is very similar to the service. Use the same parameters:

<div oc-lazy-load="{name: 'TestModule', files: ['js/testModule.js', 'partials/lazyLoadTemplate.html']}"></div>

You can use variables to store parameters:

$scope.lazyLoadParams = {
	name: 'TestModule',
	files: [
<div oc-lazy-load="lazyLoadParams"></div>

Bonus: use the dependency injection

As a convenience you can also load dependencies by placing a module definition in the dependency injection block of your module. This will only work for lazy loaded modules:

angular.module('MyModule', ['pascalprecht.translate', {
		name: 'TestModule',
		files: ['/components/TestModule/TestModule.js']
	}, {
		files: [


You can configure the service provider $ocLazyLoadProvider in the config function of your application:

angular.module('app').config(['$ocLazyLoadProvider', function($ocLazyLoadProvider) {

The options are:

  • jsLoader: You can use your own async loader. The one provided with $ocLazyLoad is based on $script.js, but you can use requireJS or any other async loader that works with the following syntax:

     	jsLoader: function(singleFile or [Array of files], callback);
  • cssLoader: you can also define your own css async loader. The rules and syntax are the same than for jsLoader.

     	cssLoader: function(singleFile or [Array of files], callback);
  • templatesLoader: You can use your template loader. It's similar to the jsLoader but it uses an optional config parameter

     	cssLoader: function(singleFile or [Array of files], config, callback);
  • debug: $ocLazyLoad returns a promise that can be rejected if there is an error. If you set debug to true, $ocLazyLoad will also log all errors to the console.

     	debug: true
  • events: $ocLazyLoad can broadcast an event when you load a module, a component and a file (js/css/template). It is disabled by default, set events to true to activate it. The events are ocLazyLoad.moduleLoaded, ocLazyLoad.componentLoaded, ocLazyLoad.fileLoaded.

     	events: true
     $scope.$on('ocLazyLoad.moduleLoaded', function(e, module) {
     	console.log('module loaded', module);
  • loadedModules: if you use angular.bootstrap(...) to launch your application, you need to define the main app module as a loaded module:

     angular.bootstrap(document.body, ['test']);
         loadedModules: ['test']
  • modules: predefine the configuration of your modules for a later use

         modules: [{
             name: 'TestModule',
             files: ['js/TestModule.js']

With your router

$ocLazyLoad works well with routers and especially ui-router. Since it returns a promise, use the resolve property to make sure that your components are loaded before the view is resolved:

$stateProvider.state('index', {
	url: "/", // root route
	views: {
		"lazyLoadView": {
			controller: 'AppCtrl', // This view will use AppCtrl loaded below in the resolve
			templateUrl: 'partials/main.html'
	resolve: { // Any property in resolve should return a promise and is executed before the view is loaded
		loadMyCtrl: ['$ocLazyLoad', function($ocLazyLoad) {
			// you can lazy load files for an existing module
             return $ocLazyLoad.load({
                name: 'app',
                files: ['js/AppCtrl.js']

If you have nested views, make sure to include the resolve from the parent to load your components in the right order:

$stateProvider.state('parent', {
	url: "/",
	resolve: {
		loadMyService: ['$ocLazyLoad', function($ocLazyLoad) {
             return $ocLazyLoad.load({
                name: 'app',
                files: ['js/ServiceTest.js']
.state('parent.child', {
    resolve: {
        test: ['loadMyService', '$ServiceTest', function(loadMyService, $ServiceTest) {
            // you can use your service

It also works for sibling resolves:

$stateProvider.state('index', {
	url: "/",
	resolve: {
		loadMyService: ['$ocLazyLoad', function($ocLazyLoad) {
             return $ocLazyLoad.load({
                name: 'app',
                files: ['js/ServiceTest.js']
        test: ['loadMyService', '$serviceTest', function(loadMyService, $serviceTest) {
            // you can use your service

Of course, if you want to use the loaded files immediately, you don't need to define two resolves, you can also use the injector (it works anywhere, not just in the router):

$stateProvider.state('index', {
	url: "/",
	resolve: {
		loadMyService: ['$ocLazyLoad', '$injector', function($ocLazyLoad, $injector) {
             return $ocLazyLoad.load({
                name: 'app',
                files: ['js/ServiceTest.js']
             }).then(function() {
                var $serviceTest = $injector.get("$serviceTest");

##Contribute If you want to get started and the docs are not enough, see the examples in the 'example' folder !

If you want to contribute, it would be really awesome to add some tests, or more examples :)