CiviCRM extension to populate and keep up to date the names and contact details for each currently elected Senator and Member (MP) in the Australian Parliament.
This CiviCRM extension provides an API action (SenatorsAndMembers update) that fetches 'All Senators by Party' and 'All Members by Party' CSVs, these currently available on the Parliament of Australia website. The CSV files are imported into CiviCRM, assigning each Senator or Member (MP) to a party-specific group in CiviCRM. The Electorate office address and phone number are also imported. The source data currently contains no email addresses which is why there is no attempt to import these.
- Download the latest version of this extension
- Unzip in the CiviCRM extension directory, as defined in 'System Settings / Directories'.
- Go to "Administer / System Settings / Extensions" and enable the "Import Australian Senators and Members (" extension.
- Copy this extension into your extensions directory and enable in CiviCRM (a cache clear may be required).
- Two contact types will be created: Senator and MP, which we use for our import process to avoid overwriting existing contacts with the same identifying fields.
- Configure a scheduled job with the SenatorsAndMembers update API call using the parameters 'members_url' and 'senators_url'. Both these parameters are required. Our long-term plan is to automatically create a scheduled job when the extension is installed so that this step is unnecessary.
- Alternatively, you can run the API action from the CiviCRM API Explorer whenever a manual import needs to be done.
- Example CLI commands to execute the import process
Using Drupal and drush:
drush cvapi SenatorsAndMembers.update sequential=1 members_url="" senators_url=""
Using WordPress and wp:
wp civicrm api SenatorsAndMembers.update sequential=1 members_url="" senators_url=""
This CiviCRM extension was developed by the team at Agileware.
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- CiviCRM migration
- CiviCRM integration
- CiviCRM extension development
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