
This is a Sauce Connect plugin that downloads, starts and stops SauceLab's Sauce Connect application.

Primary LanguageGroovyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Gradle SauceConnect Plugin

This is SauceConnect plugin that downloads, starts and stops SauceLab's SauceConnect application.


  • SauceLabs Account
  • Gradle initialized project


For now the following will publish the plugins:

    ./gradlew build publishPlugins

Using the plugin

plugins {
    id "com.saucelabs.SauceConnectPlugin" version "0.0.14"

sauceconnect {
  username = "$System.env.SAUCE_USERNAME"
  key = "$System.env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY"
  options = "-v"

def sauce = [
    username: sauceconnect.username,
    key     : sauceconnect.key,

task "sauceTest"(dependsOn: startSauceConnect, type: Test) {

    outputs.upToDateWhen { false }  // Always run tests

    // Run in parallel depending on how good your machine is
    maxParallelForks Math.max(2, Runtime.runtime.availableProcessors().intdiv(2))

    reports {
        html.destination = reporting.file("$name/tests")
        junitXml.destination = file("$buildDir/test-results/$name")

    systemProperty "sauce.username", sauce.username
    systemProperty "sauce.key", sauce.key
    systemProperty "testDriver", "sauce"
    systemProperty "geb.build.reportsDir", reporting.file("$name/geb")


// This is to make sure that SauceConnect is shutdown
sauceTest.finalizedBy stopSauceConnect

For a full working example that uses Geb-Spock test stack feel free to browse Gradle-Sauce-Connect-Plugin-Example.


Contributions are welcome. Please see CONTRIBUTING.md for details.