
My solutions to the Stanford CS231n (Spring 2018) assignments

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Stanford CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition

This repository contains my notes & solutions to the assignments.

Please note that I was not enrolled for the course and my solution was not submitted, checked or graded.


  • I run the assignments using a Docker container.
  • For problems that don't require TensorFlow or PyTorch I use a basic miniconda-based container (based on the continuumio/miniconda3 Docker container), which is set up in a way similar to what I have described here.
    • To run the container:

      docker run -p 9999:8888 --name CS231n -v ~/github/my_CS231n/:/app/data cs231n

      where cs231n is the name of my Docker image.

    • To restart the container after it has shut down:

      docker start -ia CS231n

      where CS231n is the name of my Docker container.

  • For problems that use PyTorch I either use this Dockerfile locally, or work on AWS without Docker (see below).


  • To run the more computationally heavy stuff that uses TensorFlow or PyTorch, I use AWS spot instances initialized with Amazon's "Deep Learning AMI (Ubuntu)" image. Here is a description of my workflow (under the section "AWS Deep Learning AMI").