
library of domain generalization for deep learning

Primary LanguagePython

DomainLab: Playground for Domain Generalization

Domain Generalization and DomainLab

Domain Generalization

Domain Generalization aims at learning domain invariant features by utilizing data from multiple domains so the learned feature can generalize to new unseen domains.

Why a dedicated package?

Domain generalization algorithm try to learn domain invariant features by adding regularization upon the ERM (Emperical Risk Minimization) loss. A typical setting of evaluating domain generalization algorithm is the so called leave-one-domain-out scheme, where one dataset is collected from each distribution. Each time, one dataset/domain is left as test-set to estimate the generalization performance of a model trained upon the rest of domains/datasets.

Once you came across a claim, that a domain generalization algorithm A can generate a "better" model h upon some datasets D with "better" performance compared to other algorithms, have you ever wondered:

  • Is this mostly attributed to a more "powerful" neural network architecture of model A compared to others? What will happen if I change the backbone neural network of algorithm A from ResNet to AlexNet?
  • Is this mostly attributed the protocol of estimating the generalization performance? e.g. dataset split, Will this algorithm "work" for my datasets?
  • Is this mostly attributed to the "clever" regularization algorithm or a special loss function A has used for the neural network?

To maximally decouple these attributing factors, DomainLab was implemented with software design patterns, where

  • Domain generalization algorithms was implemented in a way that keeps the underlying neural network architecture transparent, i.e. the concrete neural network architecture can be replaced like a plugin through specifying a custom neural network architecture implemented in a python file. See Specify Custom Neural Networks for an algorithm

  • To evaluate a domain generalization algorithm's performance, the user can specify a "Task" in the form of custom python file and feed into the command line argument, thus it is at the user's discretion on how to evaluate an algorithm, so that all domain generalization algorithms could be compared fairly. See Task Specification.

  • To simply test an algorithm's performance, there is no need to change any code inside this repository, the user only need to extend this repository to fit their custom need.

Getting started


  • Install via python-poetry: Read the python-poetry documentation https://python-poetry.org/ and use the configuration file in this repository.

  • Or only install dependencies via pip Suppose you have cloned the repository and have changed directory to the cloned repository.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Basic usage

Suppose you have cloned the repository and the dependencies ready, change directory to the repository: DomainLab comes with some minimal toy-dataset to test its basis functionality. To train a domain generalization model with a user-specified task, one can execute a command similar to the following.

python main_out.py --te_d=caltech --tpath=examples/tasks/task_vlcs.py --debug --bs=2 --aname=diva --gamma_y=7e5 --gamma_d=1e5 --nname=alexnet --nname_dom=conv_bn_pool_2

where --tpath specifies the path of a user specified python file which defines the domain generalization task, see Example in Task Specification. --aname specifies which algorithm to use, see Available Algorithms, --bs specifies the batch size, --debug restrain only running for 2 epochs and save results with prefix 'debug'. For DIVA, the hyper-parameters include --gamma_y=7e5 which is the relative weight of ERM loss compared to ELBO loss, and --gamma_d=1e5, which is the relative weight of domain classification loss compared to ELBO loss. --nname is to specify which neural network to use for feature extraction for classification, --nname_dom is to specify which neural network to use for feature extraction of domains. For usage of other arguments, check with

python main_out.py --help

See also Examples.

Output structure (results storage) and Performance Measure

Output structure and Performance Measure

Custom Usage

Define your task

Do you have your own data that comes from different domains? Create a task for your data and benchmark different domain generlization algorithms according to the following example. See Task Specification

Custom Neural network

This library decouples the concept of algorithm (model) and neural network architecture where the user could plugin different neural network architectures for the same algorithm. See Specify Custom Neural Networks for an algorithm

Software Design Pattern, Extend or Contribution, Credits

Extend or Contibute