Some ZMK config files

Layout diagram for my Minidox keymap

  • Originally inspired by miryoku (with MIRYOKU_LAYERS=FLIP, MIRYOKU_NAV=INVERTEDT), but pretty far removed at this point.
  • Backspace has been moved around to a number of different locations/layers/combos over the years in my keymap, which started because I was experiencing thumb issues resulting from overuse from thumb backspace. Currently I used backspace in a comfortable location on the Nav layer.
  • Heavy reliance on sticky/one-shot keys, because I was experiencies thumb pain due to holding keys for layers, and, besides, I find one-shot Shift very enjoyable to use (gets rid of any delays due to capitalization in the flow of typing).
    • Numbers are accessed from a one-shot NUM layer (left thumb).
    • Symbols that usually require Shift are accessed by: one-shot shift (right thumb) -> one-shot NUM layer (left thumb) -> a right hand finger position on the NUM layer (for example, 5 gives %, 7 gives &, etc).
  • I also use Autoshift on numbers and symbols. For example, to get "?" I can either tap Shift-"/" or press and hold "/".
  • Many custom macros for the type of typing I do on the FUN and NAV layers.
  • In the past I was heavily relying on many arbitrary key combos, but eventually I found them less comfortable compared to other alternatives. Now my keyboards have 1-2 or no combos.
  • The visualization was produced using
  • My QMK keymaps are available here. In addition to what is shown below, in QMK I have:
    • Dynamic macros on the fun layer. (very useful at times!)
    • A mouse layer.

Minidox keymap SVG

*: Dynamic macros and mouse layer only in the QMK version of this keymap: