
Entity disappearing when leaving home

Opened this issue · 6 comments

I have a Bluetooth beacon attached to my dogs collar and this seems to working fine being picked up by my ESP32 BLE proxies around the house.

However when the beacon leaves the house and returns it seems to fall off and the entities become unavailable.

Using a BLE scanner on my phone I can see the beacon is still active

Some info and diagnostics below the device address is CB:B8:99:BD;E2:C9


config_entry-bermuda-01JA8XNHWNCZF52N0NQV8289XP (1).json


Hi Chris! Thanks for your report.

I think this might be fixed already in v0.6.9rc2 - it might be the same issue as #235

Can you turn on "Enable Beta versions" in HACS, and update your Bermuda to v0.6.9rc2 to see if it solves it for you?

I'll close this for now just because I am having difficulty tracking which issues I need to act on, but please feel free to re-open it if the problem still happens.

Thanks for getting back to me on this.

I've updated to the latest version and the entity does not disappear any longer.

However this beacon still drops off the network and won't be found again by Bermuda upon returning but will show in a scanning app on my phone so I'm not really sure what is happening with it.

I've attached a debug log if its helpful.

config_entry-bermuda-01JA8XNHWNCZF52N0NQV8289XP (2).json

Hi Chris, thanks for your patience. I can see the "CityFinder" tag in the bluetooth backend in the diagnostics, but for some reason it's not being picked up by Bermuda. The latest advert was over 60 seconds ago though, had you maybe reloaded bermuda or restarted HA within a minute of doing the download diagnostics, perhaps? I often recommend that because some systems get bogged down creating the diagnostics after a long run-time. I can't think of other reasons for Bermuda not having put it into its history yet.

Could you share some screenshots of your phone bluetooth scanner? I assume you're using a scanner, but if you're using the app for the tag that could also be the issue, many BLE devices stop advertising once they are "connected" to something, so that's something else to check on.

It's probably worth updating to the release I put out today, v0.7.0, as it includes some other fixes, but nothing I can think of that would be directly related to your issue here.

Hey thanks for the update.

I'll do some more investigation and update to the latest version

I've added a shot from my phone app below

Hi Chris, I just released v0.7.1, and it contains some fixes which might be relevant to the issue you're seeing, in particular the way metadevices (ie, iBeacons and IRK devices) were treated. If you are able to try out 0.7.1, and if it still happens, could you send me a diagnostics taken shortly after returning home with the tag?