Pinned issues
- 8
now: iOS outages, was: HACS breakage - There is no integration after installing version 7.1 with hacs
#385 opened by cuichaobaobao - 32
- 1
ESP32 Last Advertisement 2.5 million seconds ago
#382 opened by kloggy - 5
Failed to find Scanner (local USB Bluetooth)
#386 opened by Chreece - 9
- 8
Deleting a device does not fully remove it
#340 opened by talormanda - 5
FR: Add Diagnostic Entities on Scanners
#363 opened by agittins - 6
Add ability to restrict beacons from certain scanners or tie beacons to a particular scanner
#295 opened by jsheheane - 6
Entity disappearing when leaving home
#350 opened by ChrisChapman - 6
- 1
Config was used from bermuda
#368 opened by codyc1515 - 2
- 7
Data Smoothing is probably not working as intended
#376 opened by Mathea90 - 3
Reduce logging - remove save config at info level
#364 opened by danielgoepp - 10
Lockup due to excessive HaBaseScanner records [was: cannot setup bermuda integration]
#317 opened by collateral87 - 6
Max area radius setting ignored in 0.7
#366 opened by ronaldheft - 5
- 0
- 8
feature to exclude certain **scanners** from being involved in any distance calculations, so that (say) a vacuum with a scanner mounted on it won't mess up the calculations, but that's a different thing from what you are looking to solve.
#314 opened by Dtrieb - 0
Gracefully handle excessive advert caches
#367 opened by agittins - 0
- 3
Frequent ‘Away’ Status for iPhone with ESP32 BLE Tracking Despite 300-Second Timeout
#323 opened by cuichaobaobao - 16
Device slow / crashes when renaming a device
#341 opened by talormanda - 3
- 4
Home assistant keeps crashing - Exception in callback BermudaDataUpdateCoordinator._refresh_scanners.<locals>.async_call_update_entry()
#351 opened by Ill-tableflip-U - 1
- 7
possible improvement of perfomance
#344 opened by Anto79-ops - 4
Apple watch inaccuracy
#336 opened by UncleClaude - 2
Failed Start Up
#355 opened by dani-rodr - 9
Home Assistant 2024.11 **BETA**: "Cannot import name 'Config' from 'homeassistant.core'"
#346 opened by edwardtfn - 4
Device frequently go to unkown state
#331 opened by ageurtse - 5
Update the docs for ESP32-C3 devices
#299 opened by grigi - 20
- 6
- 2
- 1
Not an issue - Need help to find a solution
#343 opened by cloudbr34k84 - 3
Problem adding Iphone/Watch
#332 opened by giddorah - 2
Adding Shelly Plus 1 as sensor
#333 opened by crhammock - 0
- 4
Side-loading with ESPHome Voice Assistant Image
#318 opened by zeieri - 3
A option do change the location based on device
#325 opened by soloam - 3
After working several minutes, stopped working and area sensor remains unknown
#312 opened by guidotillema - 1
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How to find Bluetooth device identifiers
#313 opened by ahmet8282 - 2
Bermuda Has To Be Manually Reloaded if Home Assistant Is Restarted While Tracked Device Not Present
#308 opened by brooksben11 - 3
Last Seen (Last Area) Sensor
#311 opened by 6of6 - 1
Last Seen/Area Sensor
#310 opened by 6of6 - 2
Voice Assistant
#307 opened by squito1 - 3
- 1
"not_home" to "unavailable" after reboot HA
#302 opened by vakkerman